Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Candy and Raw Carrots

HQ has been absolutely bonkers today!  She just runs around like a little crazy person talking to herself.  She'll go right up to Izzy and chatter away in her face and then leave her just as fast. If I have food she'll just  plop herself on my lap and help herself to whatever it is that I am eating.  Whose unruly little child is this?

We used our juicer for the first time today.  The more I've read about it, the better and better it sounded.  I also figured it would be a good way to "trick" HQ into eating more veggies since she has been going through her anti-veggie stage.  Today Izzy and I made a carrot/apple juice.  It was really tasty!  Both the girls chugged it down.  Izzy (who is quite honest when it comes to food) said, "Mmmm!  Tastes just like candy!... and raw carrots".  

Enjoying our homemade juice.

Izzy wanted to lie down next to the fireplace and watch Rudolph.
HQ wanted to stand in front of her...

I get online and HQ rests herself on the arm of the couch in this position.
Trying be be cost effective I used the apple and carrot pulp from the juice we made earlier to make the girls their chicken nuggets for dinner.  They LOVE the chicken nugget dinner and it's so easy!  I just chop up a chicken breast, mix in the pulp, have Izzy make little "nugget" shapes, then dip those in an egg white and TJ's organic bread crumbs.  I then lightly cook them in coconut oil and voila!  Yummy (much healthier) nuggets :)

I am having a super craving for olives.  We happen to be out.  Fortunately Ty is coming home with two kinds of olives :D

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