Friday, December 24, 2010

Eating Cookies with Santa

Busy busy day!  Ty worked early this morning.  While he was gone I sewed the sleeves onto Izzy's dress  (I know, last minute!).  Christmas just came so fast!  I had hoped that being pregnant would make this month last longer.  No way!

Izzy has been super excited all day.  She did her best to get HQ all excited for Christmas, but to no avail.  Actually at one point Izzy got HQ to tattle on her!  While I was sewing in our bedroom, Izzy and HQ were in the living room.  I heard Izzy take something from HQ that she wasn't supposed to be playing with.  Within seconds I heard HQ's little feet storming angrily down the hallway toward me.  When I got into sight she immediately babbled angrily and threw Izzy's name in the midst of her rant all while pointing to the living room where Izzy was.

On our way to Christmas Eve dinner
Tonight we we spent the evening with part of Ty's family.  They have a traditional "polish dinner", spend time with family, and exchange gifts.  The girls made out like bandits!  Ty's dad and stepmom always give them some amazing gifts.  They get most of their goodies from Lakeshore Learning (I LOVE that place).  Izzy loves learning toys/games and crafts and that's exactly what she got.  She had even told me she hoped to get a few more Christmas books this year and she did.  How exciting!  HQ got some learning toys as well and immediately grew attached to a little ball that had come inside one of her gifts.  

Ty and I didn't do so bad either.  We received a basket of gift cards and little Christmas items (the presentation was quite cute).  One of the gift cards was for Joann's. Woohoo!!  

I am currently helping Santa eat some cookies.  We filled some stockings, set up a giant pink fake candy cane (Izzy really wanted one...), and tidied up the living room, but we still have a bike to put together.  Ty is going on 4 hours of sleep for the last 44 hours.  I hope he will get to bed soon!  I'd hate for him to be pooped on Christmas.. but I suppose my parents were always exhausted Christmas morning too.  We just never knew why.  

I pray you enjoy celebrating the birth of our Lord!

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