Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Ty got to bed around 3:45am.  At 4:11am Izzy came running into our room upset that we had put her to bed in her Christmas dress.  She asked if she could sleep in it earlier that night. I told her no because then it would get all wrinkled and she wouldn't be able to wear it to Grandma and Grandpa's house Christmas morning.  She had completely passed out in the car on the way home and we didn't want to wake her, so Ty carried her right to bed. When she woke up still in her dress she freaked out and was upset that she wouldn't be able to wear it.  I told it was ok. We would just iron it in the morning.  She happily went back to bed

Some of "Santa's" handy work.
The girls woke up at 8:30.  Ty and I could hear them chatting in their room.  It warmed our hearts to know that Izzy didn't leave her sister behind to go check out her gifts.  The moment she heard that Ty and I were awake she stood in her doorway (still in view of HQ so she wouldn't get upset) and peered into our room to make sure we were getting up.  I grabbed HQ and heard Izzy scream with glee in the living room.
Christmas morning with her new bike.
We spent about and hour at home before leaving for my parents since we only had Izzy until noon.  Christmas was very different at their house this year.  By the time we got there everyone else had already opened up their gifts to each other.  Izzy made short work of her gifts as did HQ.  Ty and I got a few gifts from the family and my mom had even wrapped a large box of diapers up for us "from Peanut".  We were excited to see my brother, Mikey, who is in the navy that we haven't seen for quite a while.  I believe he leaves us again in a week already.

Christmassy mess!
My family was all exhausted except for my mother and 14 year old sister.  After we opened our gifts and Izzy was picked up almost everyone fell asleep.  Ty included.  For a good two hours everyone napped.. we know how to party!!  My older brother arrived with his wife (who never likes to go to family functions) and her brother.  She and her brother headed to the mall to hang out while my family played some board games.  After a couple games it was time for us to leave. 

My little brother and Roxanne passed out on the couch.
We headed to Grandma and Grandpa Orpi's house for operation celebrate Christmas #3!  HQ had an excellent nap at my parents today so she was ready to play!  It was a bummer not having Izzy there.  I know her cousins and the rest of the family would have loved to see her.  They gave me her gifts to bring home.  I know she'll be excited about those, but the time with family is the most treasured part!  

Well, Ty and I have a ton of left overs to eat, boxes/wrapping paper to clean up, and sleep to catch up on.  It was so nice to have him around today and I look forward to spending tomorrow with him too!

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