Friday, December 10, 2010

Exciting Stuff!

Today was a simple day.  Ty left for work right after breakfast and Izzy wanted to play video games... since I know first hand how addictive they can be I decided to have her do some more "productive playtime".  We molded clay into planets and then read about them... I have now reminded myself that our library books are overdue! We also built an "igloo" out of blankets and hid from the terrifying yettis. 

Ty came home around lunch time and decided to surprise the girls with a trip to Chuck E Cheeses!  Izzy was excited.  HQ was just happy that Dad was home :) Izzy later asked me if Chuck E Cheeses was mean to chickens like McDonald's is.  
Izzy wanting to cuddle.. HQ wanting her space! 

Very exciting stuff is happening at Chuck E. Cheeses!

Ty has never been more excited!

Trying to explain to a 13 month old why you don't throw duckies at Daddy's face.
After Chuck E Cheeses it was time to drop Izzy off at SD's house.  HQ was, again, really bummed when she realized her sister was going somewhere without her.  I look forward to the day when HQ realizes that her sister is only leaving for a little while and will be home soon! 

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