Sunday, December 12, 2010

Workspace and Santa

Ty worked 16 hours today, so that meant I was left alone with the little teething monster.. (I say that with the utmost of affection!)  HQ got into EVERYTHING today and managed to find some of the weirdest ways to make today harder on me.  The fact that she was extra crabby due to teething didn't make it anymore fun.  Of course I wanted to spend the day organizing my new workspace and our bedroom (which is where my desk is) while HQ thought our time would be better spent smearing peanut butter on the walls and squishing blueberries into the clean laundry... yay stains!  I guess when you still don't have much of an appetite it's best to find more creative means of disposing of your food.

HQ likes it when we empty the closets...

My new "workspace" :D  Just in time to finish up the girl's Christmas dresses and some gifts!
It is a serious upgrade from being able to use the kitchen table occasionally.

Caught trying to wiggle the doors open.

HQ LOVES the stockings.  Funnily enough she actually gravitates toward hers.
She's waiting for Santa.
Izzy came back tonight and I have never seen the girls more happy to see each other!  They played and giggled for a good half hour before HQ went to bed.  Izzy told me that she had seen Santa at the mall today and she was pretty sure this one was the real one.  She asked me before why Santa looks different and even sometimes wears a fake beard.  I told her that perhaps they are the real Santa, but probably work for him.  So she got home today and said, "Mom, the Santa I saw at the mall today must have been the real one, cause he sure looked familiar!  Don't worry, I told him I wanted glass slippers.  I forgot to tell him that dad wanted a big screen TV though."

Poor Ty should be home soon.  He works 16 hours again tomorrow and Tuesday, so I am sure he will be ready for bed.  :( 

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