Sunday, December 5, 2010

Sell Your Stuff

I woke up to the sound of the girls giggling and playing down the hall.  I LOVE that.  I was able to sneak out of bed and start breakfast before they even knew I was awake.  The only thing that could have made it better would have been waking up with Ty.  

HQ in Izzy's baby doll's bed.  HQ just chucked the baby out and climbed in with her sea turtle. 
 Ty did have a bit of a break between jobs today and we figured it would be nice to get the girls out of the house. We have a bit of jewelry to sell and thought it would be the perfect time to go.  Being a little stir crazy (we only have one car now and Ty needs it for work) I really didn't care what we did.  However we found that the three nearest places to sell your stuff were closed.  Poo! While we were out Ty realized he was getting sick, so we just decided to go straight home so he could rest.

Heading out!  Yes, it was raining :D

After a 20 minute nap Ty left for work and HQ stood at the window waving bye to him continuously and well after he was gone.  She finally stopped and just stared out the window.  She then started to say "Dada" over and over again as if she was expecting him to come right back.  Izzy pulled out HQ's blocks to distract her.  HQ then spent the next 20 minutes stuffing the blocks under the couch. 
Our tree :) 

Izzy dressed as Rapunzel being robbed by HQ who is sitting in the living room toy box .
As the girls took their bath tonight the electricity went out.  Izzy panicked and yelled, "MOM!! ALL THE LIGHTS ARE GONE!! I CAN'T SWIM WHEN IT'S DARK!! GRANDMA SAYS IT'S DANGEROUS!!"  I always sit right next to the tube while they bath so why she felt the need to yell it I don't know.  HQ didn't sound scared, but she felt the need to yell also.  When the power came back on both the girls giggled and continued with their game of "wash all the toys in the tub with bubbles". 

Ty still wont be home for about another hour and then it's back to work in the early am tomorrow.  That guy has a crazy amount of patience and work stamina.  He's so amazing :)

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