Monday, December 27, 2010

Boy, I Sure Miss My Toys!

Today was back to work for Ty.  After having two whole days off I could tell he really didn't feel like going back.  He left at 4am and worked until 10pm with a short break between jobs.  It was mostly just HQ and I for the day.  We spent a good amount of time relaxing (I hit my third trimester exhaustion!!) and starting to tackle the mess that is Ty's and my room.  The only clean spot is my sewing area.  Everything else is covered with laundry and and for some strange reason, tutus.

Izzy was dropped off at my mom's this morning by her father, so she will be coming home tomorrow.  I guess she asked my mom, "Am I going home tomorrow?"  My mom said, "Yes, Grandpa is dropping you off in the morning".  To which Izzy responded, "Boy, I sure do miss my toys... oh and HQ!"

Enjoying her cheerios and strawberries.

I called Ty's mom yesterday to ask if she wouldn't mind babysitting while I went in for Peanut's check up this afternoon.  Before I even told her what time she excitedly said, "YES!" So she and HQ got an hour to play today which it seemed they both enjoyed.  When I left they were reading books in the girls' room.

The appointment went well and I was told that it's time to start counting kicks.  After every meal I have to count 10 kicks within the hour.  I don't think Peanut will give me any difficulty with that.  All my babies were wiggly, but he is by far the most!  In fact he is kicking me with great gusto as I type.

I found this book on today for real cheap!  We ordered it for Izzy.
It got some great reviews, so I'm hoping she enjoys it.

I guess I should take a quick shower before Ty makes it home.  I smell like HQ... cute for a baby, not so much for an adult.  He works both jobs again tomorrow too.  Boo!  But I am proud of him none the less! 

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