Thursday, October 7, 2010

Trashed Living Room

Last night HQ slept awful!  She has a cold and didn't really start to sleep until nearly midnight.  That didn't stop her from waking up early this morning though.  Ty, being the awesome man that he is, let me sleep in while he took care of the girls this morning.  However when I woke up, the living room and girl's bedroom was trashed in the extra hour I slept... man, they're good!  I asked Ty what happened and he responded with, "what? they were just playing".  I love that man.

Why it takes me forever to respond to emails...
this little person has to sit on the computer desk whenever it's in use.
Izzy did some leaf rubbings today.  Where you take some leaves and place a piece of paper over them and use the sides of crayons to get an image. She thought it was pretty neat.  She especially enjoyed having to make some of her crayons "naked" so we could use the sides of them.  She then wrapped them up in regular paper so they wouldn't get cold. 

Poor HQ was not having a good day.  Her cough is pretty bad (no, it's not whooping cough) and it was really bothering her.  

Izzy is flying a small plane.  The shiny blue steering wheel and special "pilot's glasses" help keep
her from crashing into any "really big volcanos full of lava". 

Today was The Little Gym Day.  It was a full class today. Yay! They just started basketball in her sports skills class.  Grandma Orpi came by to help me out since I wasn't feeling well and HQ wasn't feeling well, but Ty showed up right before we left (he was sent home from work since he wasn't feeling well either!) so I didn't have to bring HQ.  She still stayed and watched Izzy in her class.  Plus, it was nice to have the company. 

A video of Izzy racing instead of following directions... she seems to think the goal
in every sport is to be the fastest whether or not you do it correctly.

I don't remember what they were supposed to be doing here, but the kids look just as lost.

Tomorrow is a "school day" for Izzy and we are then spending the weekend at my parents to house/pet/babysit.  It will seem like a nice mini-vacation for us since my sister is old enough to help out with the girls and we will have food supplied for us.  Yay!  Now it's time to tidy up the living room.  I don't like leaving a messy house! 

HQ was in the middle of re-organizing our dvd collection before going to bed.
I guess I have to finish it for her. 


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