Thursday, October 14, 2010

Moving and the Pumpkin Patch

We spent most of our day helping some dear friends move into their beautiful new apartment.  We are SO happy for them!! It quite an upgrade in everything from location to size to carpet and feng shui. :) Congratulations on your new home Bill and Christina!

The girls spent the day with Grandma and we picked them up in time to take them to the local pumpkin patch where we met Grandma and Grandpa Orpi, Uncle Kelly, Aunt Jenn, and two of Izzy and HQ's little cousins.

Very eager about finding her cousin and starting her pumpkin patch night!

Had to get a an outfit shot!
HQ was so excited by everything and so cuddly!
A short video of Izzy and her cousin in the bounce house.

After we ran out of tickets Izzy and her cousin discovered that the hay was fun too! 

Enjoying the hay!

Izzy had a tough time deciding which pumpkin she should bring home.
We are definitely going to bed the second I post this.  Boy are we pooped!  It's Ty's birthday weekend and we are looking forward to celebrating it together.  It stinks, the plans we had for Saturday night failed, so it will just be a small and simple 'just us' (read: CHEAP) at home "party" tomorrow night.  Which I'm sure he will enjoy regardless.

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