Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Magic Places

My dad dropped my camera off today.  So the birthday photos have been uploaded.  We flaked out on the grocery shopping today.  I was just too pooped.  We will be forced to do it tomorrow.

Sleeping Beauty making a birthday card for someone.
She is debating which stamp she should use.
We spent much of today catching up on homework, starting thank you cards, and still trying to find places for some of their new goodies.  I have been craving pumpkin pie so we heated up one of the Trader Joe's frozen pumpkin pies.  Mmmm! It's Izzy's favorite pie so she was happy.  HQ even tried a small bite and loved it.
Finding the perfect spots to put the mermaid and princess stickers.
Some of them ended up on the baby... 
Covered in pasta sauce, peas, water, and noodles HQ was ready for a bath.

A video of HQ helping clean her big sister who is still in the tub.

My little weirdos prefer to air dry after their bath. 
Before heading to bed Izzy asked, "Mom? Will my voice turn into my grown up voice on Thursday?". Thursday is her actual birthday.  I had her watch a quick video of her when she wasn't even two.  She said "WOW! My voice was just like a baby's voice!".  I asked her, "Do you remember your voice changing into the voice you have now?".  She said, "No, what day was that? a Saturday?".  I explained that it will happen slowly.

Well, there is a giant load of dishes calling my name and a floor begging to be mopped.  Ty gets home in a little over an hour I am going to try to make it look like our home wasn't even used today.  Wish me luck and speed!

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