Monday, October 11, 2010

Peanut and Monday NIght Football

This morning consisted of heading to the Doctor for Peanut's check up and then was spent mostly doing chores before heading to my parents' house for Monday Night Football (Vikings).  

Reading all about babies.

While working on Izzy's costume she kept me company.

A very short video of Izzy deciding to create a dress too.

An especially clingy HQ who is still not feeling 100%.

Our friends Bill and Christina came to watch the game and play the amazingly addicting Word's With Friends game (a scrabble type game for the ipod/iphone).  The girls hung out with Grandma and watched Chipmunk's Easter (Izzy's choice) and read some books.  I guess I will not disclose what happened in game as I already spoiled it for at least one person who had tivo'd it.

Well, we got home quite late and we are very sleepy. Good night!

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