Monday, October 25, 2010

Grape Thief

It was the morning after the party and our living room was filled with all the goodies the girls got yesterday.  Since we had gotten home late last night nothing was put away yet.  Books, games, clothes, toys.. our living room looked like Toysrus!  We have some very generous friends and family :)  Thank you, guys!
Please forgive the photos.  Apparently our camera went on a business trip with my dad today.  So it will still be another day before we have our party pictures.

Izzy modeling two of her gifts.
A Cinderella outfit and some punching balloon balls.

Izzy spent today as Cinderella.  She told me that tomorrow she will be Snow White.  She also announced that she plans to be a princess, a pilot, a sewer (someone who can sew), a dental assistant, and a mom when she grows up.  

HQ went to the doctor's to get checked out today.  She weighs 20 lbs and 12oz.  She is amazingly calm while being checked out.  When the doctor isn't touching her it's another story...

HQ was on the Doctor's table for no more than two minutes.
Izzy is still learning about animal homes this week since we skipped a couple days last week to prepare for her party.  She is so proud (as am I) of how well she writes!  I love that she loves to learn and I pray it's something that she loves her whole life.  She would rather us read her a ton of books than just sit down and watch a movie.  If she does watch a movie she likes to paint, color, or play with clay while it's on.  Rarely does she ever just veg at home.

Cinderella doing her homework.

HQ and Dad finishing Izzy's melting ice cream.
We took a short break today and went to Chuck E Cheeses.  Izzy has been saving her tickets for a specific item and was only 14 tickets away.  After she played 20 minutes of ski ball, and chuck e bowling she made twice that.  When we went up to the counter to pick out the item she had long waited for when she noticed a new item.  A blue heart shaped light up "diamond" necklace.  Since she was dressed as Cinderella she figured it would match her dress.  She got one of those and double sided crayon that I believe broke on the way home.

HQ feeling as though she was ripped off by receiving sliced grapes tries to take her sister's. 
After dinner the girls took their bath and got into their new matching feety pajamas.  We cleaned their room and read a couple books.  During the last story HQ took all her toys back out and then climbed into the rocking chair to say she was ready to be rocked before going to bed.  I guess she wanted to set all her toys out so they would be ready to be played with tomorrow. 

After HQ went to sleep Izzy and I organized some of my fabrics.  She told me what I could make for her out of every piece.  If she didn't like it "Um, this is not too pretty.  It's probably for a boy" she told me what I could make for her little brother out of it.  I still haven't fully realized that we are having a boy.  

It is now time for me to get the rest of the living room back into order, take a shower (HQ covered me in pasta and grape juice), and work more on my sister's costume before Ty gets home from work.

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