Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Peanut's a Boy!

I got an hour of sleep last night due to being uncomfortable and still being in shock.  It's also hard to sleep with that many restrictions! I was supposed to sleep with my head up but on my left side while trying to keep my nose from touching even the sheets.  At 3am my muscles started to relax and I was able to feel how much pain my neck and shoulders were in.  I also wasn't able to breath very easily.  My nose was actually making that odd whistling sound! Tonight should be better.

The girls slept until 7:30 this morning and my sister is the only one who woke up a tad sore.  We woke up to a beautiful rain/thunder storm.  Izzy announced, "I hear the lightning!" every time.  Although that would annoy most I found it refreshing.

Today was Peanut's ultra sound!  We have been looking forward to this day for a few weeks and even more so after not having the baby checked on last night.  We were so ready to hear 'It's a girl' again we didn't even expect anything else.  What an amazing surprise!  Izzy begged and prayed to have a little sister and voila HQ was born.  She then begged and prayed for a little brother and, yet again, got what she wanted.  Peanut is perfectly healthy and quite proud of his little private parts.

We wanted to celebrate and head out for ice cream, but after what happened last night we are pinching pennies even more so.  My car had to of been totaled.  They had to remove both doors on the driver's side to get us out. After talking with our insurance agent today he said whoever was switching lanes (me) is almost always at fault even if the girl was on her cell and ran a red light... that doesn't sound right to me, but what can I do?  Anyway that means we lost a car.  Our reliable car.  

We got home and it was still all nice and stormy.
 Izzy wanted to hang out by our fire and watch Garfield's Halloween
Izzy is washing each strand of hair individually (they get extra clean that way) while
HQ is checking the soap content of the loofa.
After HQ went to bed Izzy said she wanted to do something special just me and her.  She had me wait in the living room while she went in the kitchen and got something.  She called me into the kitchen and said, "Look Mom! This is what we are going to do!"  She had laid out most of the contents of our fridge, two forks, and a spoon.  "We are going to eat good snacks to make sure my little brother is healthy!"  We shared some strawberries and she headed to bed.  Her little heart is actually quite huge! 

"Did I put the headband on right?"
I apologize for the poor quality of the pictures.  The camera wasn't working today so we had to use the cell phone.

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