Saturday, October 2, 2010

Sparkle Pox

I'm bummed.  My original plan for the girls' cupcakes didn't work out.  So I am trying to figure something else out that will turn out cute AND tasty.  In my experience it's quite difficult to find both.  But I like a challenge.. so who knows how this will turn out.  

Hopefully not like this, but boy does it look tasty...

It was just Ty, HQ, and I today (until Ty left for work).  Oddly quiet.  I'm not great with quiet.  I grew up in a family with 8 kids... I am NOT used to quiet.  Someone was always home and something was always going on.  

Today was spent mostly doing errands and spending A LOT of time trying to get all the sparkles and glitter off the couch and out of the carpet that has been shedding from Izzy's Dorothy costume and shoes these past couple days.  Ty went in for a haircut and the stylist asked Ty if he had gone to a party last night... they had found the Izzy sparkles in his hair.  We now lovingly call them 'sparkle pox'.  Izzy had just recently learned what chicken pox were, so it seemed to fit. 

My energy seems to be picking up little by little and I know HQ can tell.  She likes having a mom who can be more animated with her, especially when her big sister isn't around.  Boy do I wish I had Izzy's energy! 

Ty should be home in half an hour and I am really looking forward to it.  It's strange to miss someone so much that you get to see everyday.  

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