Monday, November 15, 2010

Where's His Eyes?

I loved being able to wake up this morning and know my family was under one roof again.  Ty and the girls surprised me with a blueberry muffin (I love anything with blueberries!). 

Izzy has a very minor cold.  I made a healthy smoothie today (meaning no dairy, no added sugar, and using all dark berries so it would be higher in antioxidants).  When I handed it to her she said, "Mom? Are you sure you want me to drink this?  If I get all better I'm going to be crazy and running all over the place!"  I responded with, "I hope so" and smiled.  She gave me a ginormous hug :) 

Ty got a call from Starbucks about a second job today.  His interview is setup for tomorrow.  Hopefully all will go well.  It isn't a seasonal position and we have heard great things about the benefits they have.  I guess we will find out if it is meant to be! 

After Ty left for work HQ went down for her afternoon nap and Izzy and I went to work organizing our dvd's and putting them on their new shelves.  A place HQ can't get to!  Not having to clean up nearly 100 dvd's at least once a day everyday is going to be so nice! I also love seeing our living room starting to transform into a real living room. 

Ty came home on his dinner break to hang out with Izzy (mostly) before going back to work.  He had promised her a game of Wii tennis today and of course he followed through... and then some.  She talked him into a game of Wii bowling and baseball before he left.  

Izzy wanted me to take a picture of her dinner tonight...
"MOM!!! My fish looks like a heart!! Isn't he cute?!... Where's  his eyes?"
Now it's time for me to find a place for all of our "homeless" cords.  I learned at a pretty young age to never throw cords away just because you don't know what they go to.  Unfortunately that also means we have a very large box full of random cords.

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