Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Not So Purple Princess Cookies

Ty and I are so tired!  Last night we put together our beautiful entertainment unit and realized it wouldn't fit where we had originally planned.  We had to rearrange everything in our living room.  That means we didn't get to bed until almost 3am, but we LOVE how it came out. 

After getting our few hours of sleep we got up and nearly finished the work we had started before our dinner guests arrived.  When we told Izzy who we were having over for dinner she said we should make them some chicken and cookies.  We did just that!  Izzy had helped me make a slow cooker recipe and then said she knew they would like sprinkle cookies.  I had Izzy do everything from measuring the ingredients to cracking the egg.  She even rolled out the dough and of course chose the sprinkle colors.  She thought it was the best thing ever!  She wanted to make the cookies purple, but they turned out closer to a light pink. 

HQ watching Izzy and Ty attack one another.

The cookies Izzy made for our guests.
Bill and Christina arrived (after being stuck in really crummy traffic) and hung out for a couple hours.  Dinner was a hit (Braised Chicken in Stout served over rice) and so were Izzy's cookies.  Christina had made chocolate pot de creme to compliment Izzy's cookies and OH MY GOODNESS was it delicious! Izzy had chocolate running up her arm (when Izzy gets covered in a food it means she REALLY likes it).

Well, Ty and I are going to head to bed.  I think we've earned an good night of sleep!

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