Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Anime Izzy

 Today was fairly uneventful which was nice since Ty had the day off.  Another tooth has broken through for HQ so she was in such a playful mood today (she was is a pretty cranky the last two days due to teething).

Izzy has learned the phrase, "That's a bummer" and has been trying to figure out how to incorporate it in her every day speech.  Today she said it after HQ tooted.

Tonight we went to Ikea to pick up and early Christmas gift from Grandma, a big part of our entertainment unit.  I am so excited to get it set up!!!  And of course Izzy was excited to go to Ikea.  HQ skipped her second nap today so of course she decided to be grumpy on our way there.  She fell asleep in the car so she was better by the time we got there.

After watching a few anime movies Izzy has decided that
her socks look better when they touch her knees.

HQ and Ty browsing Ikea isles.

Izzy believes she can fit on Ty's shoulders with HQ...
HQ found Izzy amusing.
When I was tucking Izzy in bed tonight she asked me if Peanut was awake.  I told her I believed he was sleeping.  "Wow! He's such a good baby!  He went to bed even before me!" She was genuinely proud of her little brother.

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