Monday, November 29, 2010

Childlike Behavior

I am so bummed!  We went to pick up a new table top for my sewing area at Ikea (Vika Amon Table Top.. If you're curious) on Saturday and it was all sold out.  I was extra bummed because their website said they had three in stock, but when we got down there they had none.  When we got home we looked up the next closest Ikea and they said they had five in stock.  Not trusting their website we even called them up and asked.  We were told they had some there, so we drove nearly half an hour away to pick it up and were told "Oh, our inventory is all wrong.  We don't have what the computer says.  Check back in like... 2 weeks".  -_-  Ty told me that we would have enough to get the top part of my sewing desk this paycheck, so I have been eagerly awaiting this day! I am so excited to have a decent spot to sew again so I was just as disappointed.  I honestly pouted like a 3 year old... Ty even got me a cinnamon roll to help me feel better!

HQ feeding Daddy.  She has been in a big sharing phase.
However she won't give it to you, she just wants you to take a bite!
 After Ty had left for work it was just me and HQ.  Izzy doesn't come home until tomorrow morning and all this quiet time without her (or Ty since he has been working so much!) is quite odd for me.  As you can imagine HQ isn't very much for actual conversation yet.

Tonight I had my first medical scare with HQ.  She woke up from her late afternoon nap SCREAMING.  She was absolutely inconsolable.  No food, water, milk, rocking, hugging, nothing.  She was obviously in pain.  She had hit her head yesterday and I started worrying that this was the aftermath of that.  About ten minutes of trying to calm her down I realized that if I needed to take her to the ER I couldn't, we have no car!   Ty's work is too far away for him to walk, so I am left without one.  I started to freak out and called Ty.  I couldn't get a hold of him, so I was carrying my crying HQ and texting him.  Another 10 minutes went by with no end to her pain in sight.  She was super wiggly, but really wanted to be held.  I finally did some of the tummy gas massages I know and I kid you not, the poor little girl just exploded with gas!  3 adult like burps and toots and she was happy as a clam.  My poor baby.

When Ty and I finally got ahold of each other HQ was smiling and running around the living room "talking" to and hugging Izzy's stuffed penguin.  Thank You, God that our baby is OK! :)

Poor HQ after her yucky tummy ache!
She described her tragic tale with a great amount of animation and hand gestures. 

Uhg, Ty's not home for another 2 hours.  Organizing Izzy's homework space here I come! 

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