Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Lego Chicks are Hot!

Today was spent at home.  We got some laundry done, organizing done, and some more thank you cards done. Yes, we are STILL working on those.  Like I said before, the girls got a bunch of gifts!  Plus, I am having Izzy do them, and I don't want her to sit down and do all 30 at once.  Because then she will hate it and not put the love into each one like she is doing.  She decorates each one individually.  She wanted me to also send out a piece of candy with each note, BUT! I am not paying that much postage...

Izzy trying to pretend like she's asleep while HQ ruins her plan. 

Helping to poop her little sister out before bed, Izzy trips on her princess heels. 
After HQ went to bed tonight Izzy wanted to open up her birthday legos from Uncle Evan.  She had such a fun time with those!  She liked looking at the instructions and putting them together exactly as the booklet said.  She did end up adjusting some things when everything was all put together.

"Uh Mom... I think they are broken"

"My lego girl has a ponytail.  She looks hot!"
Making a chair for the boy lego.

Adjusting where she thinks the lego flower would look best.

"She's too little to have kids, but they are married.  They are having Trader Joe's orange chicken and peas for dinner.
Do we have any ice cream?" All said in one breath! 
She was bummed when it was time for bed because she wanted to keep on playing with them.  Especially since the boy lego just started working at the Trader Joe's in Australia... I love her :) In her bedtime prayers she was thankful for the Earth, her family, her friends, legos, and Trader Joe's frozen peas.  Apparently she loves Trader Joe's!

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