Saturday, November 27, 2010


We are starting to see a lot more of HQ's personality coming trough and it's very exciting for us.  She's dancing, playing, and chattering constantly.  She has favorite toys and foods.  She is also VERY cuddly (Izzy was not very cuddly/huggy until Ty came into the picture, then she wanted nothing but hugs from me... mostly because that meant if I was giving them to her I couldn't give them to him!)
A gift Izzy left for us.
Ready for shopping to be over!
Izzy was at her best friend's birthday party today (which was obviously at build a bear!)
  I am so happy that SD agreed to take her since he doesn't know the little girl.
She put ice skates on her bear, she has been asking for ice skating lessons for a while now.
Talking to Gloria (Izzy's penguin).
I get asked a lot about the transition of Ty into "Dad" for Izzy.  Obviously he isn't her biological father, but now it's at a place where Izzy calls him Dad and that's who he is to her.  In her mind she has two dads and that's just how it is.  

Ty and I started dating a few months before Izzy turned two and they were both jealous of each other.  Ty was an only child and never had to "share" someone before.  And Izzy who pretty much had me all to herself when we were with each other didn't like the new arrangement much either.  There were a few times I think Ty thought it was just going to be too much for him, but he didn't give up :) A little over a year later we were married.  When we were pregnant back in October 2008 with our first baby it just became automatic with Izzy calling him "Dad".  We never told her too.  I called him dad when talking about the baby and I think it just clicked for her too.  By now he's been around for as long as she can remember.  He's been to all the important events in her life.  ER visits, dental visits, ballet recitals, and even potty training.  Even though her biological father and his family constantly try to break the bond that Izzy and Ty have they never will (They constantly remind her that he isn't her "real" father... among other things but try to force her to call his girlfriend "mom" hmmm....).  Sure, there will probably be times when things will get messy, but Izzy loves him and I am so grateful for that.  

Learning to go potty!  12/2007

Wedding Day!  9/2008

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