Thursday, November 11, 2010

Free Goodies

My kid sister was dropped off at out place nice and early today.  It's my mother's birthday and she wanted to enjoy it completely kid free.  My lucky sister got to accompany us to Ikea, Target, and Sephora today.  Out trip to Ikea was enjoyable as always.  The way Izzy talks about Ikea you'd think it was Disneyland.

The aftermath of Ty and Izzy making a hurricane with the cart... 

Hanging on for life!

Ready to head to the cash registers.
After Ikea we went to Target to get a few necessities (YAY for gift cards!) and had a blast there as well. We got home just in time for Ty to leave for work.  Then we left for The Little Gym.

When we got to The Little Gym Izzy was excited to see that most of her classmates (all boys) were already there.  Izzy walked right up to them and said, "Hey, boys! Don't you just LOVE my new shoes?!".  The boys didn't seem to know quite how to respond to that.  They looked at Izzy, then at her shoes, and then at their own shoes.  Izzy didn't seem to mind about their lack of response.  She was quite proud of her $6 walmart shoes! 

After the gym we headed for Sephora.  Me being the skin fanatic that I am I LOVE Sephora.  They were having a sales event (20% for Beauty Insiders and some free goodies).  Since I had received a GC for my birthday this seemed like the perfect time to use it!  HQ and Izzy loved how colorful the store was, and they were even handing out candy.  After I had grabbed my items (which took all of 6 minutes) I got in line.  It seemed to be moving quick enough.  About 10 minutes into waiting we realized how long it was!  We waited for over an hour just to pay.  It was worth it though.  We got a bunch of free goodies :) 

We got home and the girls were ready for bed right away.  My sister and I are watching a movie and waiting for Ty to get home.  He has tomorrow off, so we look forward to spending it with him. 

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