Sunday, November 28, 2010

Bath Time!

Ty got called into work a little earlier than we had planned today, so YAY! and BOO! :)  He took me and HQ in to meet his new boss and a couple of coworkers.  We were treated to a couple complimentary croissants.  Mmmm! 

HQ and I spent the afternoon decorating for Christmas.  However we disagreed on the placement of some of the decorations.  HQ felt the majority of items belonged on the floor...  I discovered that none of our Christmas lights are working.  I tried different sockets and playing around with the bulbs.  Nothing.  How disappointing! 

Emma's stocking.

What am I supposed to do in here with no Izzy?
Each time I stick HQ in the tub sans Izzy she looks confused.  Tonight she actually kept saying Izzy and constantly looked at the bathroom door.  I believe she was hoping Izzy was going to come running in all ready for bath time like usual.  Izzy does make bath time much more exciting.

Well, time to work some more on the Christmas dresses while I await the return of the most amazing man in my world! 

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