Tuesday, November 30, 2010

2 Weeks!

My dad brought Izzy home this morning.
He texted me this picture to let me know she was here :) 

We finally got to go in to get that second ultrasound.  Peanuts heart is OK!  We were given an earlier due date.  Almost 2 weeks earlier!  If he's on time I do look forward to being pregnant two less weeks than originally anticipated, but we also were counting on him being born mid March which would be easier on our finances so Ty could take a week off to help out... I suppose we shall see what is actually in store for us! Izzy was 5 days late and HQ was 2 weeks late...

HQ talking to strangers.
Daddy got her dressed today :)

Peanut's foot!
Right after the ultrasound Ty left for work and HQ went down for a nap.  Izzy and I worked on her homework.  She begged to do homework.  "Mom, can we do homework today?! I love it so much!!" She loves seeing the progress she's made.  I have saved everything she has worked on.  She has two jumbo binders full of her coloring/shapes/letters/cutting glueing, etc.  She likes looking back through them.  "I remember doing this when I was a little girl! Look how messy it is!" 

The girls, happy to be back in their tub time routine!
Right now I am watching "Hoarders" while organizing our hall closet... how fitting!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Childlike Behavior

I am so bummed!  We went to pick up a new table top for my sewing area at Ikea (Vika Amon Table Top.. If you're curious) on Saturday and it was all sold out.  I was extra bummed because their website said they had three in stock, but when we got down there they had none.  When we got home we looked up the next closest Ikea and they said they had five in stock.  Not trusting their website we even called them up and asked.  We were told they had some there, so we drove nearly half an hour away to pick it up and were told "Oh, our inventory is all wrong.  We don't have what the computer says.  Check back in like... 2 weeks".  -_-  Ty told me that we would have enough to get the top part of my sewing desk this paycheck, so I have been eagerly awaiting this day! I am so excited to have a decent spot to sew again so I was just as disappointed.  I honestly pouted like a 3 year old... Ty even got me a cinnamon roll to help me feel better!

HQ feeding Daddy.  She has been in a big sharing phase.
However she won't give it to you, she just wants you to take a bite!
 After Ty had left for work it was just me and HQ.  Izzy doesn't come home until tomorrow morning and all this quiet time without her (or Ty since he has been working so much!) is quite odd for me.  As you can imagine HQ isn't very much for actual conversation yet.

Tonight I had my first medical scare with HQ.  She woke up from her late afternoon nap SCREAMING.  She was absolutely inconsolable.  No food, water, milk, rocking, hugging, nothing.  She was obviously in pain.  She had hit her head yesterday and I started worrying that this was the aftermath of that.  About ten minutes of trying to calm her down I realized that if I needed to take her to the ER I couldn't, we have no car!   Ty's work is too far away for him to walk, so I am left without one.  I started to freak out and called Ty.  I couldn't get a hold of him, so I was carrying my crying HQ and texting him.  Another 10 minutes went by with no end to her pain in sight.  She was super wiggly, but really wanted to be held.  I finally did some of the tummy gas massages I know and I kid you not, the poor little girl just exploded with gas!  3 adult like burps and toots and she was happy as a clam.  My poor baby.

When Ty and I finally got ahold of each other HQ was smiling and running around the living room "talking" to and hugging Izzy's stuffed penguin.  Thank You, God that our baby is OK! :)

Poor HQ after her yucky tummy ache!
She described her tragic tale with a great amount of animation and hand gestures. 

Uhg, Ty's not home for another 2 hours.  Organizing Izzy's homework space here I come! 

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Bath Time!

Ty got called into work a little earlier than we had planned today, so YAY! and BOO! :)  He took me and HQ in to meet his new boss and a couple of coworkers.  We were treated to a couple complimentary croissants.  Mmmm! 

HQ and I spent the afternoon decorating for Christmas.  However we disagreed on the placement of some of the decorations.  HQ felt the majority of items belonged on the floor...  I discovered that none of our Christmas lights are working.  I tried different sockets and playing around with the bulbs.  Nothing.  How disappointing! 

Emma's stocking.

What am I supposed to do in here with no Izzy?
Each time I stick HQ in the tub sans Izzy she looks confused.  Tonight she actually kept saying Izzy and constantly looked at the bathroom door.  I believe she was hoping Izzy was going to come running in all ready for bath time like usual.  Izzy does make bath time much more exciting.

Well, time to work some more on the Christmas dresses while I await the return of the most amazing man in my world! 

Saturday, November 27, 2010


We are starting to see a lot more of HQ's personality coming trough and it's very exciting for us.  She's dancing, playing, and chattering constantly.  She has favorite toys and foods.  She is also VERY cuddly (Izzy was not very cuddly/huggy until Ty came into the picture, then she wanted nothing but hugs from me... mostly because that meant if I was giving them to her I couldn't give them to him!)
A gift Izzy left for us.
Ready for shopping to be over!
Izzy was at her best friend's birthday party today (which was obviously at build a bear!)
  I am so happy that SD agreed to take her since he doesn't know the little girl.
She put ice skates on her bear, she has been asking for ice skating lessons for a while now.
Talking to Gloria (Izzy's penguin).
I get asked a lot about the transition of Ty into "Dad" for Izzy.  Obviously he isn't her biological father, but now it's at a place where Izzy calls him Dad and that's who he is to her.  In her mind she has two dads and that's just how it is.  

Ty and I started dating a few months before Izzy turned two and they were both jealous of each other.  Ty was an only child and never had to "share" someone before.  And Izzy who pretty much had me all to herself when we were with each other didn't like the new arrangement much either.  There were a few times I think Ty thought it was just going to be too much for him, but he didn't give up :) A little over a year later we were married.  When we were pregnant back in October 2008 with our first baby it just became automatic with Izzy calling him "Dad".  We never told her too.  I called him dad when talking about the baby and I think it just clicked for her too.  By now he's been around for as long as she can remember.  He's been to all the important events in her life.  ER visits, dental visits, ballet recitals, and even potty training.  Even though her biological father and his family constantly try to break the bond that Izzy and Ty have they never will (They constantly remind her that he isn't her "real" father... among other things but try to force her to call his girlfriend "mom" hmmm....).  Sure, there will probably be times when things will get messy, but Izzy loves him and I am so grateful for that.  

Learning to go potty!  12/2007

Wedding Day!  9/2008

Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving Was Yesterday...

I think HQ's "one year" molars are giving her trouble.  Last night whined a few times in her sleep which is very uncommon for her.  She then woke up quite angry at 3:30am.  She wasn't hungry or thirsty and no amount of rocking seemed to work, so Ty took her for a little drive to see if that would help her out.  By 4:45am she was back in bed sound asleep.  She didn't get back up until nearly 9am.  Ty let me sleep a little more as he fed the girls breakfast.  He even made me a bowl of oatmeal and some green tea!  It was a real nice way to wake up :) 

My penalty for sleeping in.
Our living room and all our clean folded laundry were destroyed. 

Ferociously chomping down an "nana".
Ty only worked for 4 hours today, so the girls and I worked a little on chores and "made" some leftovers for lunch.  Izzy was a little confused by lunch, "Mom?! Why are you giving me Thanksgiving dinner for lunch today?  Did you forget it was yesterday?" After lunch I told Izzy to get ready to go to her Dad's house.  She told me she didn't want to be at their house for too long because she was going to miss Emma (her hamster) and HQ.  I'm glad that she loves being home.  We prefer her to be here too!

The second Ty got home we had to leave again.  We needed to drop Izzy off at SD's by 5 and were worried about traffic.  The traffic was surprisingly light and we got there early.  Izzy was happy to see her "Grammy" (his mom).
Excited for SD's house. 

Also excited. 
After we dropped Izzy off Ty, HQ, and I headed to Joann Fabrics to get the rest of what we needed for the girls Christmas dresses.  They were still having a nice sale late in the day and we didn't have to wait in any crazy lines!  We even found 3 50% off coupons left in our cart!  We used one to get the fabric we really wanted that wasn't on sale.  A white faux fur to make a little bolero to go with HQ's dress and a little stole for Izzy's.   We left the other coupons behind hoping they would make someone else's night as well.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving was enjoyable, but I am happy to be back at home!

The day started out rough.  This week is usually a pretty bad one for me.  My past with this time of year has not been a good one so I expected this year to be the same.  You add lack of sleep and family tension to the equation and POOF you've ruined the day for yourself.

Around 2pm the day picked up and turned into a lovely Thanksgiving.  We started behaving like a family that enjoyed each other's company and the house smelled delicious!  We played a lot of card games and also The Pyramid Game. We watched our traditional movie "The Thanksgiving Promise" and  although everyone grumbles before it starts (and sarcastically recites all the lines from the movie to each other) no one will leave the room once it's on... I think they all secretly love the tradition. 

HQ trying to squeeze out of the living room of my parents' house.

Izzy wanted to organize all the plastic forks and spoons.

Some of our yummy food.
Dinner was absolutely delicious and my Mom made sure we went home with plenty of leftovers!
Dinner was awesome like usual.  My mom and little sister did almost all the work this year.  My mom has never loved to cook, but isn't too bad at it.  I suppose raising nine kids who have very different tastes in foods is bound to make cooking much more of a "chore" than it needs to be (I like to cook and find it calming). We ordered our pies from Sweet Lavendar Bake Shoppe .  They were AMAZING!  We ordered a traditional Apple Pie and their new Mixed Berry Cherry Pie.
Drinking like a grown up! 

Uncle Max, the girls, and Santa. 

Yes, my mother has had her tree up for a week now...
This is HQ's imitation of a Christmas present. 
At the end of the night HQ was ready to go home and sleep while Izzy still wanted to stay and play games.  The cranky baby won that argument easy.  I look forward to staying at home most of the day tomorrow.  I wish I could say all day, but we've got to drop Izzy off at SD's around dinner time.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

We're Fancy

For some reason I can't post pictures.  I keep getting a "server is rejecting" message.  That stinks.

Well, today was fairly uneventful.  My cold is only a head cold now, which is better.  No body aches/tiredness so that was nice! Ty took the girls to the grocery store this morning and Izzy made sure she dressed properly for it.  Today's theme was Little Red Riding Hood, so Izzy went in to change and came out in a flash dressed in a pair of jeans, a neon pink and orange top, her red cape, and her sparkly orange tutu.  Before heading out the door she completed her ensemble with her hot pink rain boots.

Izzy keeps telling me that she can't wait until I can dress "fancy" again.  She went through my closet and pulled out my red and black salsa dress (I doubt I could pull it over my knees now!) and my strappy black heels and said, "When Peanut's not in your tummy anymore and it's little again, you can wear these to Chuck E Cheese and I can do your make up!! You'll look so fancy!"  She then found Ty's dress shoes and said, "Dad can wear these!  You probably have to make me a new dress.... OH I KNOW!  I CAN BE BELLE! Yeah, and HQ can wear a fancy dress too!"  She was absolutely giddy about the whole thing.  When I asked her what Peanut would wear she said, "Hmmmm.... He can be Prince Philip!! (from Sleeping Beauty)"

After Ty left for work we still took it easy.  We did some light cleaning and cooking.  We head to my parents' tomorrow where we will spend the night and then enjoy Thanksgiving there.  My mom texted me earlier that she and my sister have decorated it extra special this year so Izzy will love it.  Next year we wont have Izzy on Thanksgiving (it will be the first time!!).  Her dad and I usually just shared the day, but with the new custody thing I get her in even years while he gets her in odd.  His family doesn't even like America or really celebrate the holiday, so yes, it does bother me that he demands her on that day, Easter, and Christmas (all days they don't care about or even celebrate)... bleh... enough of that!

Well, Ty should be home any minute.  I am sure he is going to want to go straight to bed since he has to be at his other job in seven hours : /

Monday, November 22, 2010

Mom's Got the Bad Bugs

HQ is in bed, Izzy is playing Wii baseball, and Ty is at work.  My body feels so heavy right now I hope sleep will be with me soon too.  Last night I felt I was getting sick and after a rough night of sleep I woke up with a full blown cold.  I'm pretty sure I'll make it through, but it just figures it would happen durning Thanksgiving week and when Ty is starting his second job!  

Most of the day Izzy did her best to let me rest.  It was pretty cute, but being only five and having a baby sister makes that a hard task!  Izzy knows how the "bad bugs" work so she made sure she brought me vitamins and plenty of water throughout the day.  She even picked out one of her favorite movies to watch with me so I could rest while HQ took her nap.  

Eating Izzy's penguin.
 We pretty much ran out of groceries today, and since Ty had the car and we had no money meant getting creative with food.  I had a bowl of oatmeal for every meal (I'm sure my blood and heart are happy!) so the girls could have some variety.  I don't think HQ would have minded having oatmeal all three meals too now I think about it...

Being lazy and piggy, the girls spent the majority of the day in their jammies... 

While the girls took their bath tonight I heard Izzy explaining to HQ how people get sick and how they get better.  She was actually fairly accurate!  I even heard Izzy say, "Lets put some of this soap on you so hopefully we can kill any of the sick bacterias that got on you.  You wont like getting sick".  However with all the splashing I heard HQ doing I don't think much of it sunk in... 

Ty is still at work.  He seems to be going strong today.  He still looks forward to going into Starbucks and Trader Joes.  I'm so proud of him!   He's done the whole having two jobs before right after HQ was born and he did awesome with that too.  :) I am always impressed with how he can rise to the occasion and do the stuff others wont or don't want to do.    

Hopefully a good nights sleep will do wonders on me tonight so I can have more energy and less of a cold tomorrow.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


An old video of Izzy playing around with my Imac when it was new. 
2.5 yearsish ago.  Our camera pooped out again so I hope you enjoy this!

The past two nights have stunk for sleeping!  In the middle of the night my computer would just turn it's self on and wake me up.  I would get up and turn it off.  The moment I got back to bed it would turn itself back on.  It did this a few times before I just unplugged the thing... how weird.

After Ty got off work today we met his mother and did some uniform shopping for his new job.  JC Penny is having a "HUGE SALE".  They are seriously having some good deals!! His mom even got me a few much needed maternity items :D Thanks, Mom!

We got the girls back today.  They both had a great time at my parents but were also happy to see us.  The Vikings lost... bad! and I fear I am coming down with a cold. Oh no!  Ty's first day at Starbucks is tomorrow (he actually works at both places tomorrow) and I know he's feeling good about it.  Let's hope he doesn't get my cold!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

I Think Too Much...

Today was the first day in a long time that I had 8 hours of alone time.  The girls were at my parents and Ty had work.  I had organizing my sewing area, and going through the girls clothes on the top of my list.  Doing chores without the distraction of my girls left me alone with my thoughts and I am a chronic over-thinker! 
A picture my dad sent me of Izzy and my sister in their matching jammies.
My thoughts were mostly on the kind of mother I am and the kind of mother my mom is/was.  Before ever even having kids I knew I wanted boys and only boys.  I feared the teenage years and beyond with girls because looking back on the relationship I had with my mother I didn't want that with my kids.  The more and more I thought about it I realized that my relationship doesn't have to be like that.  Early on in the relationship with my mother communication was cut off.  What triggered it I don't know, but I could never go to her with anything.  I remember being 12 and not even wanting to ask her how to shave my legs!  We never had the "birds and the bees" talk and she has uttered the words "I love you" to me less than 4 times (it doesn't mean she doesn't, but it sure made any kind of communication rough and I do still wonder... )  I worried I was going to be emotionally retarded and never be able to say those words to my own kids.  

Communication with my mother is still poor.  I will spare you the details! I had only in the last few years learned to not blame my life on her, but I was still bitter. The bitterness I have felt over this is unhealthy and can be damaging to my relationship with my girls.  My mom isn't a horrible person.  She is my mother for a reason.  And she is an amazing Grandmother to the girls and I know she will be for Peanut too. 

I prayed that my heart, my mind, and my arms will always be open for my children and the communication never shut down.  I am their mother for a reason, and I never want them to question my love/intentions for them.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Yay! School!

School Day!  Izzy woke up all bright eyed and bushy tailed this morning.  She picked out her entire school outfit with no help (and oddly quite weather appropriate on her first try!).  She came bouncing out of her room saying, "Mom! Don't I look great and ready for school?" She LOVES school day.  She is so blessed to be in a class full of fun little friends and teacher she loves.  
HQ watching Izzy who is sitting and chatting it up with a friend in the auditorium before class.
The 2's and 3's class I help out in.  I chose the 2's and 3's over helping out in the older kids PE
class because I figured PE would take too much out of me... What was I thinking?!

Izzy's Thanksgiving Thankful Turkey she made in school.

My mom came to pick us up after school since Ty had his second interview today and we only have one car.  Ty DID get the job!  Yay!  I am bummed about how much he will be away, but we both agree this is better than me getting a job and us paying someone else to watch our kids.  His jobs are close and we are going to get much nicer health insurance through his new job.  

We spent the afternoon at my parents' when Izzy decided to invite herself over for the night.  My mom really like the idea and Izzy asked if HQ could stay too.  She loves her little sister so much!  Now we are child free until Sunday afternoon.  We figure this may be the last weekend we have together for a while, so why not take advantage of my mom being willing to babysit! 

On our way home we surprised some friends by stopping by their place to drop something off.  They invited us in for a bit and we got into a refreshingly sincere conversation.  We then headed back home and Ty decided to show me his new place of work.  It is a quaint little Starbuck's nearby.  It's all decked out for Christmas and just has a nice overall feel to it.  I think he will truly enjoy working there. :)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Are You Drunk?!

I just put Izzy to bed.  Nearly 20 minutes past her bedtime and she has school in the morning!  We were just having too much fun playing a game that I had lost track of time... what a terrible mother.

Today was a bit of a heavy question day from Izzy.  I'm a huge believer in telling your child the truth.  Perhaps not the whole story at a given time, but everyone should know their own child well enough to know what they can handle and at what age.  She asked, "What's drunk mean?".  The question "Are you drunk?" comes up in The Chipmunk Adventure, so it was only a matter of time before she asked what it meant.  I told her that the word "drunk" is usually used for when people drink so much alcohol they act strange, they can talk funny, they feel dizzy, it's bad for their liver (insert liver explanation here... she is so interested in the human body!) and it can be very dangerous if they want to drive.  She said, "Beer has alcohol in it and Dad drinks beer.  Does he get drunk cause that's dangerous!" I explained to her that when people drink too much beer they are considered drunk.  Dad has one or two.  He doesn't get drunk...  She was satisfied with my answer and then said, "I hope I don't ever get drunk.  Beer smells gross and I don't want to be too dangerous or hurt my poor liver."

Izzy showing off our new entertainment unit.
We had found the bookcases on craigslist for less than half the retail price! We then received the actual stand the TV is on as an early Christmas gift from Grandma.  We hope to get the last piece (which is adding shelves that go between the bookcases, but over the TV) eventually!

Today Izzy also asked about money.  "Mom? Are we rich?"  "No."  "Then are we poor?"  I told her there were people with a lot more than us, but also people with a less.  She then smiled and said, "Mom, your tricking me.  We're rich.  I have a bunch of diamonds and some people only have a little bit!"  I had to laugh, who can argue with logic like that? 

 Izzy asked me why SD (her blood father) doesn't ever come over to play.  I told her that he works a lot, and when he isn't working he would rather play with his friends than at our house... I guess I didn't think that through too well because she immediately asked, "Are his friends more fun than me?".  I said "No! He gets to see you and play with you for 3 nights every other week.  That's a lot, he loves playing with you the most." To which she replied, "Yeah, I'm pretty fun.  Am I the most fun kid you know?".
Izzy with the DS and HQ with her water.  She was upset she couldn't play with the DS too.

HQ was alone in her room for 2 minutes and this is what it looked like...

Admiring her sister's art.
 Soon after Ty left for work we left for the The Little Gym.  Izzy had a new teacher today who I like even better than her previous one.  The kids are still learning football and I can totally see an improvement in Izzy's ability to catch and throw.  However, walking straight is still an issue...

HQ and her gym buddy, Marcus.

Watching her sister from the other side of the door, HQ wants in!
Well, tomorrow is a school day for Izzy and Ty has his second interview for Starbucks.  The dishes are washed, the carpet is vacuumed, and I am going to enjoy a nice bath by myself before Ty gets home!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Not So Purple Princess Cookies

Ty and I are so tired!  Last night we put together our beautiful entertainment unit and realized it wouldn't fit where we had originally planned.  We had to rearrange everything in our living room.  That means we didn't get to bed until almost 3am, but we LOVE how it came out. 

After getting our few hours of sleep we got up and nearly finished the work we had started before our dinner guests arrived.  When we told Izzy who we were having over for dinner she said we should make them some chicken and cookies.  We did just that!  Izzy had helped me make a slow cooker recipe and then said she knew they would like sprinkle cookies.  I had Izzy do everything from measuring the ingredients to cracking the egg.  She even rolled out the dough and of course chose the sprinkle colors.  She thought it was the best thing ever!  She wanted to make the cookies purple, but they turned out closer to a light pink. 

HQ watching Izzy and Ty attack one another.

The cookies Izzy made for our guests.
Bill and Christina arrived (after being stuck in really crummy traffic) and hung out for a couple hours.  Dinner was a hit (Braised Chicken in Stout served over rice) and so were Izzy's cookies.  Christina had made chocolate pot de creme to compliment Izzy's cookies and OH MY GOODNESS was it delicious! Izzy had chocolate running up her arm (when Izzy gets covered in a food it means she REALLY likes it).

Well, Ty and I are going to head to bed.  I think we've earned an good night of sleep!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Anime Izzy

 Today was fairly uneventful which was nice since Ty had the day off.  Another tooth has broken through for HQ so she was in such a playful mood today (she was is a pretty cranky the last two days due to teething).

Izzy has learned the phrase, "That's a bummer" and has been trying to figure out how to incorporate it in her every day speech.  Today she said it after HQ tooted.

Tonight we went to Ikea to pick up and early Christmas gift from Grandma, a big part of our entertainment unit.  I am so excited to get it set up!!!  And of course Izzy was excited to go to Ikea.  HQ skipped her second nap today so of course she decided to be grumpy on our way there.  She fell asleep in the car so she was better by the time we got there.

After watching a few anime movies Izzy has decided that
her socks look better when they touch her knees.

HQ and Ty browsing Ikea isles.

Izzy believes she can fit on Ty's shoulders with HQ...
HQ found Izzy amusing.
When I was tucking Izzy in bed tonight she asked me if Peanut was awake.  I told her I believed he was sleeping.  "Wow! He's such a good baby!  He went to bed even before me!" She was genuinely proud of her little brother.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Where's His Eyes?

I loved being able to wake up this morning and know my family was under one roof again.  Ty and the girls surprised me with a blueberry muffin (I love anything with blueberries!). 

Izzy has a very minor cold.  I made a healthy smoothie today (meaning no dairy, no added sugar, and using all dark berries so it would be higher in antioxidants).  When I handed it to her she said, "Mom? Are you sure you want me to drink this?  If I get all better I'm going to be crazy and running all over the place!"  I responded with, "I hope so" and smiled.  She gave me a ginormous hug :) 

Ty got a call from Starbucks about a second job today.  His interview is setup for tomorrow.  Hopefully all will go well.  It isn't a seasonal position and we have heard great things about the benefits they have.  I guess we will find out if it is meant to be! 

After Ty left for work HQ went down for her afternoon nap and Izzy and I went to work organizing our dvd's and putting them on their new shelves.  A place HQ can't get to!  Not having to clean up nearly 100 dvd's at least once a day everyday is going to be so nice! I also love seeing our living room starting to transform into a real living room. 

Ty came home on his dinner break to hang out with Izzy (mostly) before going back to work.  He had promised her a game of Wii tennis today and of course he followed through... and then some.  She talked him into a game of Wii bowling and baseball before he left.  

Izzy wanted me to take a picture of her dinner tonight...
"MOM!!! My fish looks like a heart!! Isn't he cute?!... Where's  his eyes?"
Now it's time for me to find a place for all of our "homeless" cords.  I learned at a pretty young age to never throw cords away just because you don't know what they go to.  Unfortunately that also means we have a very large box full of random cords.

Saturday and Sunday = PARTY TIME!

It's so odd how bothered I was by not being able to blog the last couple of days!  We have been moving some things around and had to do without internet.  We don't own a laptop or wireless internet, so we just had to go without!

Saturday was a busy day for us.  While Ty was at work HQ and I headed to her cousin's 1st birthday party.    I showed up late (I got lost being the direction impaired weirdo that I am) and we had to leave early since we only have one car and Ty was getting off of work mid party.  It was such a cute little party!  It was all Angels/baseball themed and had some delicious food.  HQ even got to hang out on a swing for the first time!  She had a blast :)

After we met up with Tyler we headed to the next birthday party.  It was for another little one year old, Selah.  She had an adorable Luau themed birthday with hula dancing, palm tree jumper, and hula dancer/tiki head pinata.  HQ got to be in her very first moon bounce.
Unsure of the floor beneath her.

Checking things out.

She discovered that tumbling out of the bounce house was more fun than being in it!

The gift from Izzy to Selah.  She had picked out a pink sparkly tutu and a pink onesie for her to wear with it.
Izzy was sooo bummed she couldn't go, but she still put a bunch of thought in her gift! 

Selah's mom filled a bag with goodies for us to bring home to Izzy.  Izzy was really surprised and excited about getting the goody bag.  Thanks, Lauren! 

After Selah's party we dropped HQ off at my parent's for the night before we left for a house warming for Bill and Christina.  Ty and I stopped by Marukai to get a few small personalized gifts we had planned for them.  When we arrived at their place it looked absolutely adorable! There were delicious snacks and apparently good beer and Sangria.  I had my delicious water...  It was a good night with games, fun people, and delicious snacks.

Sunday Ty worked in the morning while I stayed home and worked on our home.  When he got home in the afternoon we headed to my parents to get HQ, watch The Vikings lose, and to surprise my mom with a little birthday party.  SD had texted me earlier and asked if he could drop Izzy off a day early again.  I wasn't going to argue with that!  She didn't get there until after 6pm so she missed the surprise party, but as least she got some ice cream.  Izzy was so genuinely happy to be back with her sister.  HQ was also pretty darn ecstatic.

Friday, November 12, 2010

HQ's Not Happy With Us

Since my sister spent the night, she woke up with HQ so Ty and I could wake up together this morning. Oh how nice it was!  We still got up at 7:20, but not having to rush to get HQ was nice.

The chairs from the girl's room where brought out to play Wii Resort.

Much of today was spent driving.  We had several errands to run and of course nothing was close to anything else.  HQ did not enjoy all the time spent in the car.  

By the time we had gotten to SD's house to drop Izzy off HQ was done.  We brought her to Grandma's (who lives near him) in the hopes that some food and a little time to stretch her legs would recharge her battery.  No good!  The second she saw that she had to get back into her car seat she was angry at us.  Fortunately she feel asleep on the way home and went to bed easily.

Our buddies Bill and Christina came by tonight to help move in our bookcases and just to hang out for a bit.  I think they originally planned to leave about 2 hours ago (since Ty and Bill both work early am shifts tomorrow), but Ty and I are just so darn entertaining they didn't want to leave.  We love their company!

Anyway it's off to bed for us.  We have a busy party filled day tomorrow.  We have two birthday parties during the day and a nice little house-ish warming hangout to go to in the evening.  Yay!