Thursday, March 31, 2011

If You Bring a Mouse to School

HQ has gotten more and more bold and more and more gentle with her little brother. She tries to hug him many times a day and gives him almost as many kisses as I do. :)
Trying to hold her little brother's hand.

Getting a better view.
 Izzy has decided that I need some schooling too. She has since made me a "phonics book" which is basically a bunch of pictures she drew and stapled together. She also made me a dot to dot (it was a heart!) and a few homework papers.
Homework Izzy made for me to do.
 The girls have really gotten into playing make believe in the last few days. I LOVE it! They come out in different outfits and attitudes. HQ usually turns back into the little mess monster, but they still have fun.
What happened here?
Izzy got hit in the head with an Elmo slipper...
I found myself cleaning the same things over and over again so I just have to learn to let a few things go. Also, I need to get the girls to clean up after themselves more often! Something I am just not consistent enough with. I feel it's were we make our biggest mistakes. 

Izzy wanted this picture taken... :) 

She was telling Locke a story.. OH GOODNESS do I ever want a video camera!!

HQ snacking in her old car seat.
 After HQ's nap the girls through a "surprise party" for mom and Locke's day. Izzy put HQ in her old tutu and wrapped up my things as gifts. Locke was given a breast pump..

Checking herself out.
After the party Izzy wanted to play "reading group" which basically meant she handed me 20 books to read to her and HQ (she even picked out HQ's favorite).

She's so pretty :)
Not so interesting side note: I made her hat

Reading: "If You Bring a Mouse to School"
Well, I am down 30 lbs! I still have a ways to go figure wise to get close to where I was, but I am feeling good and making constant progress. Izzy and I have been doing postnatal yoga together. She enjoys having the just mommy and me time. Plus she says she feels a lot stronger and healthier already. My little goof!

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