Monday, March 14, 2011


Well, today was the day I have dreaded since finding out we were having a boy. We got him circumcised. I know it's a "heated" topic for some and I have had some pretty stupid debates with a few other people who feel differently than me regarding whether or not they should be done. I would usually just keep quite after a few sentences into the "debate" as it was clear it wasn't going to go anywhere and to me it really isn't something worth arguing over. 

After researching and discussing this with Ty we realized it just made sense for us to do it. Mostly for hygienic reasons. Also, I personally know two people who had to be circumcised as adults and one as a 10 year old due to medical issues and those seem like a lot more "traumatic" ages than getting it done at a few days old. 

Ty and I really didn't want to have it done at a hospital since we heard they do it in a much more painful way. The midwife referred us to a Mohel. We were told that the procedure is A LOT more humane and virtually painless when done through one. Locke didn't even cry. 

"So BORED!" waiting for the Doctor
They were given lollipops to keep quiet.
It worked! ...for a little while. They they were sticky and wiggly.
Today was Ty's first day back to work. That means it was my first day alone with the kids for 8 hours. Outside of being tired, I really enjoyed it. HQ has a slight cold, so she didn't make it easy on me and we are still in frozen food mode, so we had a Trader Joe's vegetarian lasagna for dinner. It was quite yummy!
This very moment all of the kids are asleep. I am going to head to bed myself. Ty gets home in an hour which is around the time Locke will be waking up for a late night snack.

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