Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Poor Little HQ

Day two of Ty being back at work and boy do I have my work cut out for me at home! The girls are almost fully adjusted to their new little brother and I get to hold HQ now, so she seems to be a little happier. Ty tried to make up for my lack of holding her by holding her twice as much, but she saw through that! I think she has been feeling a little left out. Isn't that what usually happens to the middle child? My poor little HQ! 

Mmm.. apple juice
Yes, HQ is squishing her juice box to watch the juice pour out onto the carpet.

During Locke's feedings the little green monster in HQ comes out. She immediately will get herself into something she isn't supposed to. Izzy, the informant, will keep me updated every 10 seconds on what HQ is doing... even though it is being done not five feet from where I am sitting. Oh kids! :) 

                                   Sleeping in the Moby 
HQ kept trying to kiss her little brother all day today (except for when he was nursing, she was too busy giving him the stink eye and looking for trouble) and she was thrilled when I let her "hold" him tonight. She gave him such a sweet big hug and "kiss". She looked so proud. Her desire to love and nurture at this age is so beautiful. Just like Izzy! Both the girls have such a huge capacity to love. I pray they never lose that.  

Making me a special gift since "I gave" her a little brother.
She told me she wished there was more than one Mother's Day.

The girls are down for the night but Locke is keeping me company while I blog. He is such a relaxed little guy! Well, so far. He is quite different than his big sisters were. 

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