Thursday, March 24, 2011

Patient Patients

Today was Locke's first check up with our family doctor. We LOVE our doctor. I interviewed/visited many many doctors until I found the one to trust our kids with. It took me nearly 4 years to find her. What I really wanted was a doctor who focused on preventative care, but also had the ability to actually treat you when you need it. Most doctors focus on the latter. It's also neat because she blocks out a full half hour or hour for you (depending on your needs) and if you have an appointment at 11 (or 10 or 2..) you will get seen at your scheduled time. I have nothing but good stuff to say about her!

Patiently waiting... until HQ discovered the wall of vitamins/supplements...

Locke and Dad also wait patiently.

HQ helping to get her brother naked for his check up.
 Locke is growing, feeling, and sounding just fine. Dr. Barrett also enjoyed seeing the girls even though they were extra rambunctious when we got into the exam room. I think next time I may have to schedule his a appointment when we have someone to watch the girls!

They discovered the rocks in the floor.
Izzy asked, "Hey Mom! Can we glue rocks in the floor in our room too?"
 This afternoon while Ty work our little friend, Selah, and her mommy stopped by to play. Selah is just a couple weeks younger than HQ. They haven't hung out a whole lot yet since I haven't had a car and poor little Selah hasn't been feeling well lately. It was interesting to see how they responded to each other. I don't think HQ spoke one word the whole time she was here! I could tell she enjoyed having another little person around. She usually sees kids much bigger than her or babies a lot smaller.

At home, looking good.

HQ and her blurry little buddy Selah.
It was a nice visit. It's always refreshing to hang out with another younger mom. Most women wait to have kids these days in their 30's and 40's. I always knew I wanted to have them younger. I wanted to have energy and patience to run after and play with them. You get more set in your ways as time goes on, and the older you are when you start to have kids I think the harder the transition to putting that little person first most the time. I also would like to think that I would be a younger grandma and be able to "help out" more. Many of the women I know who waited can't enlist the help of their mother or mother in law. I think that would stink!  

Well, Locke is now demanding my attention. I best give it to him :)

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