Saturday, March 19, 2011

Easily Irritable Boogery Mess!

 Locke is just two weeks old and we have already experienced what it's like to have all the kids sick at the same time. Fortunately they all only have colds, but oh does that ever make our home the lazy, easily irritable, boogery mess!
On our way to Grandma's house yesterday. 
My brother dropped Izzy off at SD's last night, so today it was just me and the two smaller boogers while Ty worked. HQ went on and off between trying to "help" with her little brother and trying to squash him. I'm still not sure she quite gets that he is a little person and not a baby doll yet.
I just love her big doe eyes!

Staring contest with mommy!

Still not feeling well, HQ sits and watches a documentary with me.
She's really sucked into it!
I can't wait until Ty comes home tonight. As most mom's know the first few weeks after having a baby there is more than likely very little to no romantic things going on. You are both just way to tired for it and it is probably one of the last things on your mind (number one is usually "when can I get some sleep?") But Ty and I have decided to try to watch a movie together (at home of course) tonight. He is picking up a goody for us after work and hopefully we'll find something lighthearted to watch. I am pretty wiped out, but I could sure use some time with my husband. Yay!

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