Friday, March 11, 2011

Big Sisters Come Home!

Ty and I were really missing the girls, but also knew we did need the 2 days to get ourselves together without them. We were both really excited to see how they would take to their new little brother. HQ came home a day before Izzy did, so she got to meet him first.

She pets him and says "kitty". We kept telling her to be gentle like she is with Grandma's kitties...
Not sure what to think.
She made sure she watched every diaper change she could.
"What do brothers look like from this angle?"
Watching Aunt Shannon change a diaper.
Little Locke (Peanut!)
Three of my Four favorite people.
Izzy ran in the front door when she was dropped off Monday night and right into HQ's outstretched and eager arms. Every time they are reunited they behave as though they were long lost sisters who haven't seen each other in years. It's beautiful! Izzy then noticed her little brother and quietly walked over to him smiling. She looked at him for a long time and finally said, "I kind of thought he was going to have browner skin like Uncle Max". She then kissed his head and asked all about his birthday.

HQ tries to change his diaper while Izzy looks on in adoration.
Holding her brother for the first time.
Ready to go hunting for some much needed Peachy-O's!
The funniest part about this picture is she wasn't even posing.

It has been an amazing week. Oh! In about 30 minutes Locke with be exactly 1 week old. How exciting. He should be up and ready to eat again just around that time too. 

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