Saturday, March 12, 2011

Target? Without ME?!

Today was the first day in a week that we checked the mail. Outside of the normal bills, catalogues, and junk mail we were pleasantly surprised by a few packages and cards with gifts for Locke. Yay! This also included much needed Target money, so we decided to make that our first outing with the new baby.
I got to wake up next to this fat little face :D 
Izzy was picked up by Ty's mom at noon for lunch and an afternoon of watching her cousin play baseball. She was very excited about it since the last game she was supposed to go see was canceled due to rain. She also told me today that she would like to play baseball along with soccer.
"I think this is the PERFECTEST baseball dress!"
Almost immediately after Izzy was picked up the four of us left for Target. We can't bring all the kids out together right now since they don't all fit in our tiny car : / so we had to do the Target trip sans Izzy... she was a little bummed about that (Target IS her favorite store). I reminded her that she was at her cousin's baseball game and she said, "Oh yeah, I prolly had more fun than Target did". 

It was nice to get out of the house. I strapped Locke into a Moby Wrap to protect him from random people wanting to see the baby. I don't want to chance someone coming up and touching or sneezing on our baby. Especially a newborn. It happens! Plus, he liked being all wrapped up and cozy. He slept the whole time. HQ on the other hand wanted us to chase her around the store.

Happy to stand in her car seat.
She also figured out that she can roll her window up and down today.
He loves his swing... 
So excited about these sheets for the girls' room!
Cheap and cute. Perfect for us!
Izzy needed a new set of sheets and HQ needed a set for her big girl bed.
Well, we still need to get the mattress for her big girl bed!
Right after dinner it became obvious that HQ has a bit of a cold. Her demeanor and sleep schedule was all off today. Then her little nose started to leak and I know what that means! Poor baby. I also hear her tossing and being more restless in bed as I type. I hope my littlest princess gets some decent sleep.

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