Saturday, April 2, 2011

Oh, Mildred

I don't understand how it happens that every school day the girls sleep in! EVERY SCHOOL DAY! We usually use them as our alarm clock. They are usually set to 7:30..ish. Today they got up and 8:30 and we needed to leave by 8:45 to get to school on time.. I think it goes without saying that we were late. About 15 minutes late. Perhaps next time we'll set an actual alarm.

In the nursery at Hope.
HQ is debating on whether or not she will share the blocks with little Gabriel.
We really enjoyed taking our new car to school. So much space! We had no squished kids in the car :)

After school we went to my parents' for pretty much the remainder of the day. We were given more good news, my parents said we could buy the car we have been borrowing (which really can't fit all 3 of the kids) from them. My mom said I could pay it off in sewing her some new clothes. Woohoo! Since Ty's car had died he did need a car to get to work. So now we are back at two cars! Yay!  

Super excited to get to Grandma's!
 The girls were excited to see my parents and vice versa. It's actually been a little while. They usually see each other weekly, but it's has been nearly four weeks.

Playing with Barbies and my parents' house.
In this scenario Sleeping Beauty's sister, Mildred, has taken her dress without permission. Of course, drama ensues.
 My mom told Izzy that she had purchased some dresses for her and her sister to keep at their house for when the girls go to church with them. Izzy immediately got excited and asked to see them. She then ran up the stairs to the closet that housed her dresses and screamed with such excitement, "THIS IS WONDERFUL!!" She ran back down and asked if she could try one on.

She found a new dress my mom got her. She HAD to try it on!
Izzy then went to her dad's around dinnertime and we stayed at my parents a little while longer. We do also take advantage of the fact that we can do laundry for free there... :) 

Ty and the kids talk business with my dad. 
It's late! I am SO exhausted.

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