Thursday, April 7, 2011


Ready for some shopping!
 We took the girls to the mall today. I needed new wash cloths and a pastry brush and Izzy wanted to spend some of her money. We are trying to teach her the value of money. Of course while we were there we had to check out Game Stop.
Checking out the video games

She was bummed to discover that all these stuffed animals were  over her budget.
 Of course toward the end of our shopping Locke was "starving". He goes from zero to starving real quick! So that meant Ty got to run around the mall to distract the wiggly girls while I fed the little guy. I loved watching it :)
Combing her eyelashes with her new compact.

On the easter carousel at the mall.

Checking out the rabbit hole and the rest of "easter bunny land".

Lazy bum sleeping on the couch.

In the tent they made in their room.

Drawing a picture of our family.
Check out her hot coco! 

Tummy Time!
My strong little man :D
Well, Ty and I are a bit down tonight. We learned that a coworker of Ty's (who he worked with for a couple years) was killed in a car accident today. He had a young family which makes it even harder for me to swallow. I had only met him a few times, but I really liked the guy. He used to give Ty advice about kids and was quite in love with his own. Please pray for his family :(

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