Thursday, April 14, 2011

Funny Cheese

It seems that with each passing day I fall more and more in love with my family. I didn't even know it was possible. I have been so incredibly blessed with an amazing loving husband and 3 beautiful kids. My life is far from perfect, but there is honestly so little I would change. I wake up and go to sleep so tired, but so content.  I have found so much joy in being a wife and mother it's ridiculous! I still have yet to find joy in doing the dishes though.

Enjoying the park

Running away with Izzy's snacks

After Izzy was done with her bike HQ wanted to give it a try!
Notice her feet done reach the pedals :)
Izzy told me today that she would like to teach her little brother how to grow. "Just a little bit so he can play more games". She demonstrated some stretches for him. So far he still looks the same. I'll keep you updated.
Preparing for battle.

I just thought this was cute...

Doing homework together.

Admiring her little brother.
We brought Ty down his dinner at work today. It was a nice walk for me and the kids and HQ always enjoys Ty's work. The timing worked out perfectly so he was able to take is break while we were there.
How to fully enjoy a bagel.

She didn't even realize she was covered in cream cheese.

"Hmmm... this cheese tastes a little... funny"
Ty's and the kids tummies are all full. They are all safe, warm, and asleep. Knowing this makes me feel like I am doing something right.

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