Saturday, April 2, 2011

Mmm... Butter

I got my wedding ring back on my fat finger! Yay!! 

Ty worked from 8am to 10pm today, and so it was just HQ, Locke, and me today. HQ enjoyed more one on one time since her sister wasn't here to monopolize the conversation. 
Bed Head!

She's crazy about her big sister's sunglasses!
She has be help put them on her several times a day.
(And she picked out this outfit)
 I drove for the first time in about 3 months today. I was nervous that I forgot how to drive, but I was fine. No freaking out! Yay! Hopefully it will be just as easy at night.

Anyway I took the kids to Trader Joe's for some groceries. HQ tried grabbing bunches and bunches of bananas. And took a bite out of the butter we got. She bit right though the box! Lucky for me Locke slept the whole trip. Being a mom of more than one little one is so easy... :)

Deep in thought.
I usually read at least one book and sing to HQ before putting her in her bed for the night. Tonight as I rocked her she started to "sing" before I did! My beautiful littlest princess!

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