Saturday, April 9, 2011

Happy at "Damma's"

Enjoying pancakes and cereal at Grandma and Grandpa's!
HQ started calling my mom "Damma" (like 'Gramma' which is what Izzy calls my mom). So cute! I have always heard that your second child usually takes a little longer to say as many words as your first. It makes sense since Izzy usually monopolizes conversations... and sometimes you just get a little bit lazier with the second one... especially if you just had number 3! When Izzy was HQ's age she was saying 2 word phrases. HQ still just says one word (except for "more milk" she has that one down!) but it's really cute to hear her new words!


Izzy golfing
I have gotten bad news thrown at me from every which way this week and I was just emotional drained by Friday. The girls went to stay with my parents for the weekend so they could be exposed to some fun! My parents took them out for a barbeque and some outdoor fun. My mom also bought the movie "Tangled" (Izzy's new favorite movie) to watch with the girls.

Since we didn't have the girls today we decided to work on their baskets and run some other errands. We did finally get some good news that some dear friends of ours are expecting baby number two! Yay! Babies are always good news to me :)

Working on the kids' Easter baskets

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