Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Big Girl Bed!

It took us an hour to get ready to go to the grocery store today! Between finding shoes that fit, pulling hair back, and making sure that Locke's tummy was topped off it was a serious event to leave the house.

I started making anti-inflammatory meals for Ty and he has lost six pounds in a week! He will eat what ever is put in front of him, so I just make sure that I put good foods in front of him (and enough to make sure he isn't hungry so he wont want to stop off for fast food on his way to or from work which can be a tough job since he's a big guy). So far he has been content and very happy he's losing some weight (he's put on quite a few pounds since we got married too). 

Off to Whole Foods!
 The girls had a blast out shopping today. Especially at Trader Joe's. They had a good amount of "fans" there. Buy fans I mean strangers who were giggling their dancing and singing. Izzy has discovered the art of the "running man".  As we were checking out HQ noticed the "kids corner". She immediately walked right over there and started to take all the plastic twirly toys off the wall and knocking them on the floor (they also cleaned them up). Next time I'll need to have my camera handy while shopping! They also made it out of there with a bunch of stickers. Dancing, messing stuff up, and stickers?! That's one awesome shopping trip!

Homework time!

Yes, my kids snack on raw broccoli. And the little weirdos like it!
Hmm, now I want celery. 

Tonight HQ is happily asleep in the bottom bunk in her big girl bed. We just got her mattress two days ago and she is already sleeping in it! Yay! Goodness they grow so fast! 

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