Wednesday, April 6, 2011

"Mean Magic Carpet Maker"

It feels so amazing to keep getting more and more of my energy back. I am still only going on about 5 hours of interrupted sleep (waking once), but I still feel better than I did at 9 months pregnant! I also lost another 3 lbs. Yay!

Izzy told me that she knew the easter bunny had to be a person in a bunny suit and not an actual bunny. "How is a bunny supposed to carry all those eggs and presents?" We never really told her there was an easter bunny. We always give the kids baskets with candy and a nice little gift of two. So I told her today that there wasn't an actual bunny or person dressed as a bunny hiding stuff in our house. She didn't mind it and almost seemed relieved about it. I did also make sure I told her that some people like to pretend he's real so it wasn't her job to tell other kids otherwise. She understood and then asked me if we could pretend he was real. I said sure! But I don't really know what she meant by that...

Following in her big sister's fashion footsteps!
 Today the girls were in a super wacky mood. They spent most of the day acting like mini gladiators. In their more quite time they drug most of their toys out to the living room and got creative in that mess. They did make sure they cleaned it all up before bedtime though.

It's kind of hard to see, but the girls brought out all our blankets, pillows, and their most "stuffed" toys to create a "bounce house" in the living room. 
 Izzy begged for us to give her little brother a bath tonight. So after HQ went to bed (she seems to think the water is best in his eyes and up his nose) we bathed him. Izzy helped rub the baby soap on him and told him what all his little body parts were. He stared at her almost the entire time. Izzy then picked out her favorite jammies of his for him to wear. 2 minutes after being in them he "leaked" all over the place. Izzy thought it was pretty darn funny. Especially when I told she would do the same thing when she was a baby.
He loves his baths!

Izzy is telling Locke a bedtime story about beautiful princesses (named Izzy and HQ) who were captured by Phil the "mean magic carpet maker". Locke looks less than interested. I don't know why. Her story had everything! From unicorns to sharks, from candy to shamu she left nothing out. 

While looking up decorating inspirations today I found these sheet sets at
Ty and I would LOVE these for the kids' room! Just need to get some extra Money!
(Who has EXTRA money these days?)

For Locke! (Ty might steal them)

For the girls!

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