Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Last night Ty and I had a mini New Years Eve party at our place.  It was kind of last minute and we had invited about a dozen but had an even 5... which we actually kind of liked better.  With how tired we ended up being having a more intimate get together was very enjoyable.  We played some video games, some board games, ate, chatted, and counted down to the new year with some really awesome friends.  HQ liked seeing our friends too.  I think she is quite smitten with one of them. :)

If you're curious, my "resolution' is no more soda.  I had quit drinking it for nearly two years before Ty and I started dating.. then I got lazy.  I am a very anti soda person (especially diet! It's so horrible for you) but it does taste really good and it's so addicting!  So yeah, NO MORE SODA!

While running errands before the "party" HQ and Ty still find time to play.

Poor Ty had to get up for work at 4:00am today.  His alarm always wakes me up (even if it doesn't wake him up). Today he did wake up, but fell back asleep in our bathroom.  Then his snooze went off... I did NOT know how to turn off his alarm, but I guess that's a good thing.  I chucked a pillow at the bathroom door and apparently scared him awake... who knows how much longer he would have been asleep in there?

Ty got off work around lunch time and he and I spent the remainder of the day taking turns taking naps and hanging out with HQ.  We are such a hot couple!

Ty has tomorrow completely off!  We look forward to being able to stay at home together.  Well, we do have to drive out to pick Izzy up, but besides the drive tomorrow should be a great day!

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