Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Give Me Strawberries!

Ugh, I have a serious craving for fresh strawberries right now, but the fact that I can't get a hold of any is actually making me depressed.  Boo!

Ty had the day off and we were childless so we spent most of the day at home just relaxing.  We did hit up Target to restock out toiletries and learned that it's an amazingly fast trip when you don't have little ones with you!  However I did linger over the Valentine's Day dishes they had and thought of Izzy.  Her favorite shape is hearts (OK, how many little girls don't like hearts?) so I think of her every time I see some cutesy heart thing.  Fortunately Ty was there to bring me back to reality with a question like, "Want to make rent or own heart plates?" :)

Tonight we had our appointment with the midwife.  Oh my goodness do we love it!  Such an amazing difference that we just can't get over.  Ty said he likes feeling like he counts when it come to having the baby.  At the hospital they just treated him like he really wasn't there or his opinion didn't matter (which is also how I felt they were treating me!).  We found out Peanut is already head down, so hopefully he stays that way and he's getting ready.

My mom texted me during the appointment to tell me she took the girls out for ice cream because they "needed" it.  Oh no!  They sound like me already!  I could hear HQ chatting away when I called my mom back.  Ty and I have enjoyed our alone time, but we are eager to have our family back together.  Plus Izzy has some homework to do!  I'll bet she misses it.

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