Monday, January 17, 2011

Defeating Gnaws

It was family time today!  Yay!  Ty was feeling a good deal better earlier today.  The first thing we did after breakfast was take the girls out for a donut like we had promised yesterday.  Izzy actually changed things up a bit and got a twisty donut with chocolate frosting instead of her usual rainbow sprinkles.  HQ munched on a blueberry muffin.

Stuffing Their Faces

Engaging in Some Light Conversation

Izzy Pretending to be a Shark!
After lunch we went to the Japanese market to get a few fresh fruits/veggies we also check out their manager's specials (those are always amazing deals).  Today they had samples set up of their sale items.  Izzy tried some dumplings and thought they would be perfect to go with a cabbage salad for lunch.  SO we got them.  Izzy ate the dumplings no problem but suddenly developed a fear of cabbage.. she asked for celery instead.  After lunch HQ demonstrated the correct way to subdue a great white shark.

HQ Battles Gnaws! (the stuffed shark)

Pins Him Down

and has defeated him.

Having Fun with her new phonics stamps Izzy finds a yucky bug stamp!
 After just hanging out for the afternoon we get ready to go to Ty's mom's house.  We put HQ in her "fancy" navy blue ruffle dress.  Izzy, not wanting to be left out grabbed her fanciest coat and decided to use the word "posh" today.  She even said, "I bet Grandma and Grandpa Orpi will love how posh we are!  Do you think they will be wearing something posh tonight?"

"Posh Izzy"

Playing "Guess which cup the ball is under" with Ty's mom.
She even decided to wear a dress the two of them had picked up for her while they were in Catalina.
Unfortunately this picture doesn't quite capture how cute a dress it is!
Well, this will be a LONG week for Ty.  I think he's doing about 70 hours... I know the girls will be bummed as will I.  But I do have to keep reminding myself that this is only for a moment in our lives.  Even though he was sick, I am still happy he was able to spend some extra time with us this past week.

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