Saturday, January 15, 2011

Shark Attack!!

I didn't blog yesterday for two reasons.  One, my computer is still broken and I don't like blogging as much on Ty's computer (even though his is nicer).  And two, right around blog time I discovered that a dear friend of was hurting and therefore was not in mood to blog.  She is doing much better today though :) But her are a couple pics from yesterday.

Ty wanted to rest and Izzy knew watching a movie would help him rest...
They are watching Emperor's New Groove

I was lucky enough to get a shot of HQ and her crazy lady hair. 
This morning Ty made it work.  He actually worked both jobs today (8am-10pm). I'm glad he felt well enough to do so.  He was still tired and dreaded it, but knew it had to be done!  After having him home for three days we got so used to having him here today just didn't feel quite right for any of us.  Hmm... the k is sticking on this keyboard... so forgive k-less typos!

For the first time I attempted pigtails in HQ's hair.  During his break, Ty came home and was surprised at how "grown up" she looked.  Izzy was very proud of HQ's new pigtails.
In this pic she is smooching Ty.

HQ "reading".
 Today Izzy's obsession was surfing.  Ty and I are huge water people, so it's only natural the kids would be at least a little interested.  Izzy practiced surfing by attaching her kick board to a giant stuffed shark (she attached it by opening up a sleeping bag and tying the two together using the straps of the sleeping bag).  She then stood on said board and used a large toy candy cane if she felt she needed to paddle out really far...
Izzy was later attacked by a shark.

HQ decided that her penguin could help her sister. 
Well, Ty should be home soon enough and tomorrow is "family date day" Izzy's special request was to go out for doughnuts, so we made sure to have that on our itinerary.  That and Grandma and Grandpa Orpi invited us over for food and board games.  We are looking forward to it!

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