Saturday, January 22, 2011

Ty's a Jungle Gym

I haven't blogged for the last couple days for a few reasons.  I have been sick, I lost a filling a while ago and the pain has been pretty awful (you aren't supposed to have mercury done while pregnant), and there has been some yucky trials going on for Ty.  


HQ developed a new love for Izzy's clothes.  She likes us to put them on her then she struts around in front of Izzy until she notices.  It makes Izzy giggle.  

Sharing a snack of carrots while still in their jammies.
Lately HQ has been wanting to wear Izzy's clothes.

Izzy brought a chair out for herself to sit in.
The second she got up HQ ran to it, stood on it, and gave us a little speech.
 Ty and I had a mini date that night.  His mom took the girls after The Little Gym, gave them dinner (which they gorged themselves on!) and kept them for a couple hours so Ty and I could hang out.  We went to Carter's to use up our gift certificates.  We have to say we have been so bummed with how few cute boy clothes there are out there!  We got HQ a pair of jammies and sunglasses.  Izzy has the most clothes, but we knew she would feel left out if we didn't get her anything so we picked out a pack of fancy panties (she was pretty excited about those!).

Although it was a short date it was much needed and greatly appreciated!


School day!  I was supposed to go into the dentist to get something temporary done about my tooth, but the thought of sitting in the chair with a stuffy nose and sore throat DID NOT appeal to me, so I cancelled.
I woke up pretty sick, so Ty got the girls ready... he forgot breakfast.
So Starbucks it was!  Izzy liked it...

Listening to morning announcements. 

Ty is nothing more that a jungle gym to 2-3 year olds!

Hoping it would be a little less taxing on his body he drew pictures with the kids.

I snuck off to check out Izzy's class. 

Her craft!
She said she made it for me because she knew I liked beautiful things just like she does.
After school we headed to a park nearby that several other mothers from the school take their kids to have lunch and to play.  Since a lot of Izzy's little buddies go we decided we would do that today.  Both girls loved it.

HQ having trouble with the grassy incline tripped and they just stayed in this spot a bit.
She decided she could throw leaves around just fine while lying here. 
Izzy went to SD's for the weekend.  She was excited to go and tell them about the fun she had with her friends.  But she told me to make sure I didn't cry while she was gone but also not to go to Disneyland without her.

We decided to leave HQ with my parents since I am sick and Ty has been pretty drained with the trials going on at work.  Plus he worked all day today and I hoped it would give me time to recoup while he worked.  My parents happily agreed.


I spent the day resting and praying for Ty.  When he hurts I hurt. 

A picture from my dad.
He titled it "Mmm... Jelly sandwiches"
Ty should be home soon and he has tomorrow off.  We get HQ in the morning and Izzy back at night.  It will be a good day.  

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