Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Pool Thinks She's Crazy

Ty had all of today of and we had absolutely nothing planned.  It was amazing!  We did get a few much needed chores done around the house and Izzy had some homework/phonics to do, but we mostly just enjoyed our time as a family.  Izzy asked if we could go swimming and we decided that was a great idea.

Izzy shows HQ how to rub lotion into your hands.
"It's very 'mosturing' and squishy".

Enjoying the water.

Patiently waiting for Daddy so she can also get in.

Splashing Ty and Izzy!

Izzy got this far into the big pool (which was freezing!) and said, "Does this
this pool think I'm crazy or something?" She immediately got in the jacuzzi.

Wanting to help clean the leaves out of the pool.

In the jacuzzi we turned on the jets and Izzy decided to swim against the current.

The camera on my phone kept bugging out so I was only able to get pictures at the pool today.  I am so bummed!  I LOVE pictures! 

We ran out of groceries at home (only having one car means I can't do any of those kinds of errands if Ty isn't around) so we went and picked up In and Out (Yum!) and headed to the grocery store for some "real" food.  Izzy picked out the veggies and fruit she wanted to get and HQ wanted to open up the blueberries (her favorite fruit) before we even got home. 

Izzy asked to go bowling today also, but we figured that was a bit much for all of us for one day, however it did remind us that our free bowling passes expire on Monday, so hopefully we can make it sometime this week/end! 

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