Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Water Weight and Raw Salmon

We met with the midwife first thing this morning again.  We are at our every week visits now!  She told us Peanut currently weighs around 6.5 pounds and is still facing the right direction.  We got to listen to his fast little heartbeat and we walked out of there feeling good yet again.

Ty wanted to make me a good healthy lunch today.  He cut my salmon into little heart shapes!
He then felt horrible after I reminded him that I can eat it raw anything while pregnant...
Don't panic! This is high grade sashimi quality salmon (my favorite!!)
She he cooked it up and it was still quite delicious :)

Ty left for work around 2 and I have been taking it easy ever sense.  I was told that I am retaining A LOT of water (but not hypertension) so to make sure I put my feet up often.  My legs are swollen.  At least it made me feel a little better knowing that a good chunk of this weight is water! 

I got an unexpected text from a friend I haven't seen in a while.  We miss you Lauren (and Greg and little Selah!).  Izzy talks about Selah (a little girl HQ's age) A LOT and hasn't seen her in a few months. Not having a car has really squashed my social life these past few months. It was really nice to hear from her. 

Well, Ty gets home soon and we get our girls back tomorrow.  Yay!  I miss my little love bugs!

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