Friday, February 4, 2011

Excited For School

Today was school day!  HQ was so excited she woke up at 5am... Izzy was so excited she dumped every single toy and item of clothing on the the floor in her room when she got up.  -_-  Oh kids.  

They celebrated Valentine's Day in Izzy's class today, so they exchanged valentines and decorated Valentine bags to put their Valentines in.  That meant a whole lot of hearts to look at and decorate with! Needless to say, she was very excited.

Checking out the new play room she'll be in when she hits 16 months!
 We headed to Grandma's after school for some lunch and to drop the girls off for a couple hours to get a few kid free errands done.
Enjoying "basketti" at Grandma's after school.

Also enjoying her basketti...
 We dropped Izzy off at SD's and then headed off to church.  Unfortunately when we got there HQ was so tired and grumpy we decided it just wasn't going to work tonight.  We'll go Sunday before the Super Bowl.  :D
Pretty colorful sunset from the parking lot of our church

Stuffing her face while watching Family Feud WWF edition... oh TV

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