Monday, February 14, 2011

Baby Octopus

Izzy was so excited this morning the second she got up she was a bundle of energy!  Ty and I were greeted with a hearty "Happy Valentime's Day!" first thing.  She then spent the next hour decorating the place and making more Valentines as she waited for breakfast.  HQ wanting to be just like her sister followed her around throwing our pink heart towels on the floor and digging into the confetti and making sure she got a little piece anywhere she could... needless to say our place looks pretty festive.  Izzy asked me to turn their new CD from G&G Jones on while she and HQ worked.  It's a compilation of Disney princess songs.  Ty sang along as he made pancakes which made HQ dance as she sprinkled confetti about.  I love my family :) 

Izzy's Valentine from Ty
(It is the background on his computer.  She LOVES it!)

Izzy's Valentine's for us.
The middle one is a picture of my future new car :)
(It has pink sparkly tires)


Ty made breakfast.
Ty found and episode of the Pink Panther for Valentine's Day for the girls to watch today.  The Pink Panther is one of Izzy's favorites and HQ loves the music. HQ went down for a nap shortly after.  Ty took the opportunity to play some Starcraft 2 while Izzy and I watched some Blues Clues and discussed some physics (seriously! She had some awesome questions.)

Our little Valentines are all ready to get some groceries.
Izzy is wearing her rain boots because they are Valentine colors.
 We asked Izzy what she would like to have special for lunch she originally asked for Hamburger Helper.  I don't like to make that kind of stuff for my kids and we didn't have any around the house (well, we didn't have anything around the house!) so we needed to go grocery shopping first.  We like to buy most of our food from the Japanese market, Trader Joes, and Whole Foods.  So we figured we'd hit up the Japanese market today and Izzy decided she wanted squid and miso soup for lunch instead.  Perfect!

"Happy Valentimes!" - Love Izzy

Baby Octopus!
Izzy was disappointed she couldn't see their eyes.

HQ picking up some conditioner.
She actually sat and chatted with the little guy on the cover before deciding to pick it up.

Eating a squid cake while keeping an eye on Dad.

Walking away from the "posh" cabbage.
Izzy tried to convince me to buy it, "MOM! Have you ever seen a veggie so posh in your whole life?!"
but I had to decline this time around.
Ty and I have decided it's around time Izzy learn more about money and learning about saving, tithing, spending, etc.  So as I made dinner he and Izzy (and HQ) talked money!  We set up a chore list of things she can do for money so she can learn work = money and no work = no money... a concept that seems lost on many young people and can set you up for quite a shock/failure when you grow up.  She is very excited about it and I hope it lasts!

After HQ went to bed Izzy and I made some cookie dough for the cookies we plan to bake tomorrow.  Ty was excited about that!  I hope there will be some dough left when the girls and I wake up tomorrow he leaves at 4am and I worry he make take all the dough with him. 

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