Friday, February 18, 2011

Bucket of Cookies

School day again.  But today was even more special.  Izzy was in charge of snacks for her class.  When asked what she wanted to bring she responded ever so quickly with, "Grilled Cheese sandwiches, apple pie, strawberries, and! and! Trader Joe's apple juice!" Obviously we weren't doing that for fourteen kids! And can you imagine what cold squishy grilled cheese sandwiches would taste like? Not amazing.. Anyway Ty took her to Trader Joe's to pick out a snack. They came home with a bucket of chocolate chip cookies and boxes of lemonade. I was a little worried about the sugar content and rightfully so, but we'll get back to that later.

On our way to school!  Izzy loves to tickle her little sister. 
We got to school a little late today. It seems the girls only sleep in on days we need them up early. So odd. Most people thought we weren't coming in at all because I may have had the baby. Nope! We just had a late start.

Izzy's turn to share.  I'm glad we got to be there today to see it!
She brought in her stuffed dolphin (her favorite animal), her favorite baby doll, and necklace I made her,
and a real genuine fake diamond.
 Ty and I helped out in Izzy's class for part of the day and as punishment for bringing in the sugar goodies the kids were bonkers! They learned a bit about how presidents today are different from how they were long ago (how they dress/travel/sign laws etc).  When the teacher asked the kids what laws they thought there should be Izzy announced, "Obey your parents!". The teacher had a good little giggle at that.

Playing Simon Says!
 We were supposed to meet our out of town friends today after school for a bit, but once again life got in the way and it just didn't work out.  : /  Izzy (very dramatically) said, "I will never see my friend Rory ever ever again!" They fly home tomorrow and Izzy is already at SD's.

Greeting Dad
We did end up dropping by our friends' place to mooch dinner and mess up their living room.  We were a little worried about HQ because she was so pooped, but she behaved very well. She only tried to electrocute herself twice.

Mombi training HQ how to pet her. 
Well, I am exhausted and ready for bed.  I loved the weather today! I know that most of my fellow Californians disagreed, but we really don't have gloom too often around here. The change is nice.

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