Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Peanut's Plan

I woke up at 4am this morning with some pretty hefty contractions. Since we were trick a few times with HQ (some lasting as long as 6 hours!) I didn't want to wake Ty. There was no reason for us both to be exhausted. After a good 3 hours the contractions stopped and the girls woke up shortly thereafter. I was a bit disappointed, but we aren't sure if we have insurance today anyway and we know we have it tomorrow. So Peanut can come then!

We had our weekly appointment with the midwife today. I told her about my morning of contractions so she suggested checking on "things". She discovered I was 3 centimeters dilated and Peanut is at -1 station. I guess he was quite busy this morning! Both HQ and Izzy showed no signs of ever being born (even after 6 hours of false labor), so this is new for me. The first contraction I had with Izzy happened 19 hours before she was born and I had a crazy amount of unproductive contractions with HQ 6 weeks before she was born. The midwife said she seriously doubted that I would be pregnant much longer, but we shall see what this little guy's plan is.

HQ still loves that stroller
 After hearing how productive his son had been Ty started to really realize how close we are to having this little guy and made sure most of our new baby stuff was in order before heading off to work this afternoon. I was extremely exhausted (since Peanut woke me up extra early this morning) so I was even more helpless than usual. Plus HQ decided not to nap today, so that meant no nap for mommy either!

I still got my butt up and made Ty scallops for dinner (he loves scallops!). Izzy was curious what they were. When I told her what they were and where they come from she was disappointed with how boring they looked for having such a cool background.

After HQ went down to bed tonight Izzy and I played Mario Party. Izzy asked if we could play on a team tonight since she really wanted to beat the computers. She believes they cheat, and I'd have to agree. Being the amazing team that we are we won! So Izzy went to bed feeling quite proud of us. Before slipping out of her room she said, "Mom make sure you get lots of sleep because you need to rest before my little brother can come! And Mom I love you more than this whole world!" Who doesn't like to hear that? :)
Needed a hot chocolate break mid Mario Party game

We Win!
I have still been having some contractions all night, but they are inconsistent and not getting any more intense. Ideally I would go to bed one night and wake up in full blown labor the next morning... Plus Ty would love the excuse to miss out on working tomorrow, but we don't get to choose. :)

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