Sunday, February 27, 2011

Update On Peanut!

After 44 hours of continuos contractions getting to the point of 3 minutes apart for 60 seconds they just completely stopped. They never got horrible intense, but were to the point of heavy breathing and needing to rest durning the contractions. The last the midwife checked before leaving I was at 5 cm dilated and little Peanut still at -1 station. We are quite impatient after all that, but Peanut will come when he is good and ready!

We did just learn that our insurance will not be taking effect until 3/1/2011 (something that we found more than irritating) ... so this may indeed be quite a blessing! Peanut still sounds healthy and is kicking me like usual.

The girls have been switching from Ty's mom's care to my parents' the last 3 days since this seemed to be the real deal. They are enjoying their "vacation". Grandparents are always fun (rules are always a little more laxed, what kid wouldn't like that?) and so is just having a change of scenery. It has also allowed Ty and I to catch up on our sleep last night. We haven't been getting much lately. :)

Pictures my Dad sent me of the girls hanging out with them:

My dad had just asked HQ, "What does a brother do?"

All dressed up for church with my parents

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Peanut's Plan

I woke up at 4am this morning with some pretty hefty contractions. Since we were trick a few times with HQ (some lasting as long as 6 hours!) I didn't want to wake Ty. There was no reason for us both to be exhausted. After a good 3 hours the contractions stopped and the girls woke up shortly thereafter. I was a bit disappointed, but we aren't sure if we have insurance today anyway and we know we have it tomorrow. So Peanut can come then!

We had our weekly appointment with the midwife today. I told her about my morning of contractions so she suggested checking on "things". She discovered I was 3 centimeters dilated and Peanut is at -1 station. I guess he was quite busy this morning! Both HQ and Izzy showed no signs of ever being born (even after 6 hours of false labor), so this is new for me. The first contraction I had with Izzy happened 19 hours before she was born and I had a crazy amount of unproductive contractions with HQ 6 weeks before she was born. The midwife said she seriously doubted that I would be pregnant much longer, but we shall see what this little guy's plan is.

HQ still loves that stroller
 After hearing how productive his son had been Ty started to really realize how close we are to having this little guy and made sure most of our new baby stuff was in order before heading off to work this afternoon. I was extremely exhausted (since Peanut woke me up extra early this morning) so I was even more helpless than usual. Plus HQ decided not to nap today, so that meant no nap for mommy either!

I still got my butt up and made Ty scallops for dinner (he loves scallops!). Izzy was curious what they were. When I told her what they were and where they come from she was disappointed with how boring they looked for having such a cool background.

After HQ went down to bed tonight Izzy and I played Mario Party. Izzy asked if we could play on a team tonight since she really wanted to beat the computers. She believes they cheat, and I'd have to agree. Being the amazing team that we are we won! So Izzy went to bed feeling quite proud of us. Before slipping out of her room she said, "Mom make sure you get lots of sleep because you need to rest before my little brother can come! And Mom I love you more than this whole world!" Who doesn't like to hear that? :)
Needed a hot chocolate break mid Mario Party game

We Win!
I have still been having some contractions all night, but they are inconsistent and not getting any more intense. Ideally I would go to bed one night and wake up in full blown labor the next morning... Plus Ty would love the excuse to miss out on working tomorrow, but we don't get to choose. :)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

"Make Do" Night

Getting up was a struggle as usual, but the girls were good to me this morning. They wanted cereal and fruit for breakfast (not pots/pans to wash, woohoo!) and were perfectly content watching a little bit of cartoons. We are also lucky that the girls grow bored of being stagnant fairly quickly so there isn't a whole lot of couch potato-ness that goes on in this home.

Ty came home for a good long break before heading back into work later in the afternoon. I'm not going to lie.. he made me quite mad today! Durning his break (4.5 hours) he spent the entire time playing Starcraft II... Peanut is due in less than two weeks and we still have plenty that needs to be done around here. I'm not an idiot, he needs his time too (he usually gets an hour to 2 of game time per day), but that long seemed too long to me... I love him and he hasn't done that in a LONG time, but oh did it stress me out and make me bitter for a good chunk of the day! 

Being lazy watching the Pink Panther cartoons.
HQ asked to be put in that outfit... she's a mini Izzy!
Thankfully in the late afternoon a friend stopped by with a super gift for us. A triple stroller! It was nice to have some adult companionship/conversation during the day even if it was only for a short while (she had to get home to her sick little one). The girls spent the majority of the time she was here playing in the stroller, knocking it into the heater, and checking it out. The back has a place for Izzy to sit or stand should she need too. Which I think is pretty neat. Trying to tote around 3 little ones while Ty's at work will be a nice little chore. Every time something makes me really realize wow, I am going to have 2 kids under 2 I start to pray, "Oh Lord give me strength!!"But it's soon relieved by the thought of how fun it will be.. even if not so much right off the bat! We have some super supportive and loving family and friends.

Testing out the new stroller.
Currently HQ's favorite book.
 After she left the girls and I started on dinner. It was "make do" night. Which meant cleaning out the cupboards to come up with something healthy and edible. My mom gives us a lot of her extras. She used to buy for 10 or more people, and now that it's down to four in her house she still isn't quite used to shopping for that little. That means we end up with some good, but random items. We threw together a yummy tomato/chicken pasta that the girls scarfed down. Ty loved it too and of course being the carnivore he is ate all the chicken out of the left overs too.

Izzy snuggled in bed with me for about half an hour before she went to bed. She wanted to talk about life and her future. She also had more questions about babies and having a husband. I love being able to have one on one time with her. I pray we never lose that and that she always feels she can come to me with sincere questions and that she will always get loving and honest answers.

Ty should be home in around 20 minutes. Yay! I look forward to that and hopefully I wont be a butt head to him and still make him "pay" for earlier today. That wouldn't benefit anyone and that would not make me an awesome wife.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Izzy's Favorite Banana Bread

This is a dessert bread... please don't think this is by any means a healthy loaf of bread!

This is to make 1 loaf:

1 cup of sugar
8 tbsp of unsalted Sweet Irish Butter (we have made it with regular unsalted, it's still yummy)
2 large eggs
3 bananas "with LOTS of freckles" (super ripe)
1 tablespoon milk
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt

Preheat the over to 325 degrees F. Butter a 9x5x3 inch loaf pan.
Cream the sugar and butter in a large mixing bowl until light and fluffy. Add the eggs one at a time making sure you beat them well after each addition.

In a small bowl, mash the bananas with a fork (Izzy favorite part). Mix in the milk and cinnamon.

In another bowl, mix together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.

Add the banana mix to the creamed mix and stir until they are combined. Add the dry ingredients and mix just until the flour disappears.

Pour the batter into the buttered pan and bake for around 1 hour to an hour and 10 minutes. You can check it with the toothpick test (insert toothpick in the middle of the loaf and if it comes out clean it's done).

Cool the bread completely before slicing! (It's best if you have a cooling rack)

We just like to warm the bread and eat a piece with a little melted butter. But it also goes well with honey or ice cream! Enjoy! :)

Deep Dark Cave

Oh my goodness was it ever difficult to get my pregnant butt out of bed this morning! Fortunately Ty was here and he and HQ played out in the living room until I made it out of bed. My husband is so amazing. It feels like I have been pregnant forever to the both of us, but we still can't believe his due date is less than 2 weeks away! 

What HQ was wearing when I got up. 
We then set out to do some errands. We had a tiny bit of grocery/necessity shopping to do and we promised Izzy that we would check to see if her mermaid pattern was on sale. HQ loved the outing.

Off to do some shopping!
 Since I know how to make my own patterns I refuse to pay full or even half price for one. But pattern making can be a time consuming process for a "luxury item" (such as Izzy's latest obsession costume) and if I can get a pattern close enough to what I want for cheap why not just pick one up and adjust it to save myself some time (time=money right?)?  Fortunately Joann puts them on sale for $1 a piece every now and then. And they were on sale for just that much today (yay, President's Day sale!).

Izzy's pattern

Izzy was brought home right after Ty left for work. She was so bummed that HQ was down for her nap. "Why isn't she awake? I miss her! I need to hear her giggle at me!" 

Not too much later HQ woke up and the girls were super excited to see each other. They played "deep dark cave"(which involves hiding under a blanket and screaming) and looked through some books together until dinner time. They are such great sisters! 

After HQ went to bed Izzy and I made one of her favorite desserts. Banana bread! She gets to crack eggs, squash bananas, a eat some sugar. What's not to love about that? I thought I would add our recipe as we have tried many and this is by far Izzy's and Ty's favorite. I'll post it in a separate blog that way if you're interested look it up! If not it wont be an eyesore to you. 

But now the girls are asleep, our home smells delicious, and I am ready to lie down. If only Ty were home! 

Saturday, February 19, 2011


This morning HQ and I were treated to breakfast by Ty's mom.  It was quite nice! We enjoyed seeing her it was nice for both of us to get out of the house and HQ definitely enjoyed her pancake and scrambled eggs! Grandma Orpi took us the nice scenic way home and also got us a yummy avocado. Mmm! My favorite!

Shortly after being dropped off back at home HQ went down for her nap and Ty came home for a short break before heading out to his other job.  It was nice to have a random hour of alone time with him.

My tiredness really hit me hard this afternoon, but HQ and I still had some fun. Between cooking up some leftovers, counting her toes, and playing with random items while we were cleaning up she still enjoyed her time with just me.

After watching mommy do it, HQ gives it a try. 
Right before dinner time HQ knocked over a ceramic bowl which broke into more pieces than I would have thought.  I then had to make the kitchen off limits to her since I couldn't crouch into the corners to get the little broken pieces out (which she surely would). She didn't like that too much! Of course she decided that was the best place in the house at that moment...

HQ is now in bed, I am debating looking up a movie on Netflix while I do my best to get a little more cleaning done around here.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Bucket of Cookies

School day again.  But today was even more special.  Izzy was in charge of snacks for her class.  When asked what she wanted to bring she responded ever so quickly with, "Grilled Cheese sandwiches, apple pie, strawberries, and! and! Trader Joe's apple juice!" Obviously we weren't doing that for fourteen kids! And can you imagine what cold squishy grilled cheese sandwiches would taste like? Not amazing.. Anyway Ty took her to Trader Joe's to pick out a snack. They came home with a bucket of chocolate chip cookies and boxes of lemonade. I was a little worried about the sugar content and rightfully so, but we'll get back to that later.

On our way to school!  Izzy loves to tickle her little sister. 
We got to school a little late today. It seems the girls only sleep in on days we need them up early. So odd. Most people thought we weren't coming in at all because I may have had the baby. Nope! We just had a late start.

Izzy's turn to share.  I'm glad we got to be there today to see it!
She brought in her stuffed dolphin (her favorite animal), her favorite baby doll, and necklace I made her,
and a real genuine fake diamond.
 Ty and I helped out in Izzy's class for part of the day and as punishment for bringing in the sugar goodies the kids were bonkers! They learned a bit about how presidents today are different from how they were long ago (how they dress/travel/sign laws etc).  When the teacher asked the kids what laws they thought there should be Izzy announced, "Obey your parents!". The teacher had a good little giggle at that.

Playing Simon Says!
 We were supposed to meet our out of town friends today after school for a bit, but once again life got in the way and it just didn't work out.  : /  Izzy (very dramatically) said, "I will never see my friend Rory ever ever again!" They fly home tomorrow and Izzy is already at SD's.

Greeting Dad
We did end up dropping by our friends' place to mooch dinner and mess up their living room.  We were a little worried about HQ because she was so pooped, but she behaved very well. She only tried to electrocute herself twice.

Mombi training HQ how to pet her. 
Well, I am exhausted and ready for bed.  I loved the weather today! I know that most of my fellow Californians disagreed, but we really don't have gloom too often around here. The change is nice.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Water Weight and Raw Salmon

We met with the midwife first thing this morning again.  We are at our every week visits now!  She told us Peanut currently weighs around 6.5 pounds and is still facing the right direction.  We got to listen to his fast little heartbeat and we walked out of there feeling good yet again.

Ty wanted to make me a good healthy lunch today.  He cut my salmon into little heart shapes!
He then felt horrible after I reminded him that I can eat it raw anything while pregnant...
Don't panic! This is high grade sashimi quality salmon (my favorite!!)
She he cooked it up and it was still quite delicious :)

Ty left for work around 2 and I have been taking it easy ever sense.  I was told that I am retaining A LOT of water (but not hypertension) so to make sure I put my feet up often.  My legs are swollen.  At least it made me feel a little better knowing that a good chunk of this weight is water! 

I got an unexpected text from a friend I haven't seen in a while.  We miss you Lauren (and Greg and little Selah!).  Izzy talks about Selah (a little girl HQ's age) A LOT and hasn't seen her in a few months. Not having a car has really squashed my social life these past few months. It was really nice to hear from her. 

Well, Ty gets home soon and we get our girls back tomorrow.  Yay!  I miss my little love bugs!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Waiting for Grandpa

Ty woke up for work at 3:30am today, which means I also woke up at 3:30am today.  I wasn't able to get comfortable and fall back asleep until around 6:30 and was awoken by the girls at 7... it's OK sleep is for suckers, right?  I started having contractions around 8:30 this morning that continued all the way until 11.  I freaked out a bit with "NO! WE AREN'T READY!" But obviously they stopped and Peanut is still all snug in mommy's tummy.  But it sure put what still needs to be done into perspective!

The girls pretty much kept each other entertained all day, which was nice.  No movie/video game overdoses today.  Yay!  Izzy and I watched "The Blue Planet: Seas of Life: Open Oceans/The Deep while HQ took her nap today.  It was a fun documentary!  She liked "The Deep" segment better which was about the fish in the deepest parts of the ocean.  You know, the ugly and really creepy looking ones.

Violent Sisters!

2 minutes later...
My dad was supposed to pick up the girls around 5:30 tonight for dinner with my parents and a sleep over.  Ty and I have another midwife appointment tomorrow and we figured it would just be nice to go without them.  Plus, my Aunt decided to stay in town for another week and part of the reason was to hang out with the girls a little longer. :)

Grandpa was and hour and a half late!  So I had two "starving" grumpy little girls to deal with.  I finally gave them the tamales I had prepared for Ty and I for dinner... our floor was shortly covered in chilies (both girls picked all the chilies out).  And Izzy figured strawberries were the perfect side dish for their tamales.  The girls ate the entire basket of strawberries!  My little pigs.  

Waiting for Grandpa

Wondering what's talking Grandpa so long.
The moment they were picked up I relaxed in a warm tub for a good long while and now it's time for bed!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Baby Octopus

Izzy was so excited this morning the second she got up she was a bundle of energy!  Ty and I were greeted with a hearty "Happy Valentime's Day!" first thing.  She then spent the next hour decorating the place and making more Valentines as she waited for breakfast.  HQ wanting to be just like her sister followed her around throwing our pink heart towels on the floor and digging into the confetti and making sure she got a little piece anywhere she could... needless to say our place looks pretty festive.  Izzy asked me to turn their new CD from G&G Jones on while she and HQ worked.  It's a compilation of Disney princess songs.  Ty sang along as he made pancakes which made HQ dance as she sprinkled confetti about.  I love my family :) 

Izzy's Valentine from Ty
(It is the background on his computer.  She LOVES it!)

Izzy's Valentine's for us.
The middle one is a picture of my future new car :)
(It has pink sparkly tires)


Ty made breakfast.
Ty found and episode of the Pink Panther for Valentine's Day for the girls to watch today.  The Pink Panther is one of Izzy's favorites and HQ loves the music. HQ went down for a nap shortly after.  Ty took the opportunity to play some Starcraft 2 while Izzy and I watched some Blues Clues and discussed some physics (seriously! She had some awesome questions.)

Our little Valentines are all ready to get some groceries.
Izzy is wearing her rain boots because they are Valentine colors.
 We asked Izzy what she would like to have special for lunch she originally asked for Hamburger Helper.  I don't like to make that kind of stuff for my kids and we didn't have any around the house (well, we didn't have anything around the house!) so we needed to go grocery shopping first.  We like to buy most of our food from the Japanese market, Trader Joes, and Whole Foods.  So we figured we'd hit up the Japanese market today and Izzy decided she wanted squid and miso soup for lunch instead.  Perfect!

"Happy Valentimes!" - Love Izzy

Baby Octopus!
Izzy was disappointed she couldn't see their eyes.

HQ picking up some conditioner.
She actually sat and chatted with the little guy on the cover before deciding to pick it up.

Eating a squid cake while keeping an eye on Dad.

Walking away from the "posh" cabbage.
Izzy tried to convince me to buy it, "MOM! Have you ever seen a veggie so posh in your whole life?!"
but I had to decline this time around.
Ty and I have decided it's around time Izzy learn more about money and learning about saving, tithing, spending, etc.  So as I made dinner he and Izzy (and HQ) talked money!  We set up a chore list of things she can do for money so she can learn work = money and no work = no money... a concept that seems lost on many young people and can set you up for quite a shock/failure when you grow up.  She is very excited about it and I hope it lasts!

After HQ went to bed Izzy and I made some cookie dough for the cookies we plan to bake tomorrow.  Ty was excited about that!  I hope there will be some dough left when the girls and I wake up tomorrow he leaves at 4am and I worry he make take all the dough with him. 

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Heart Pancakes and Birth

We woke up this morning to the sound of HQ yelling "Dad" repeatedly from her bed until Ty went in to get her out.  It was pretty refreshing compared to her usual grunting or "complaining".  

Ty has been perfecting his pancake recipe for quite some time.  He doesn't cook all that often, so he's still working on it!  He doesn't like my recipe because he doesn't think they are quite "fluffy" enough for his taste...

Ty made up some flower shaped pancakes this morning.
 Around lunch time Ty's dad and Stepmom stopped by for a little visit and to drop off Valentine gifts for the kids.  It was a nice short visit.  HQ It didn't take Izzy long to notice the giant gift basket waiting on the table for them!  It was full of books (YAY!), a heart shaped box of See's Candies, 2 little valentine themed stuffed animals (HQ seems to love the little pink hippo), and a pair of greeting cards.  Izzy, being as vocal as she is announced how "offended" she was that HQ had received a cuter heart sticker in her opinion... oh that girl!  We have been recently trying to help her realize that that is just life.  There are times other people will get things she may want, but no one gets everything and stuff isn't what's important.  It makes it that much harder since SD's family believes a kid is supposed to get everything they want and they put a bunch of stuff on their credit cards to get it for her.  It's just not realistic and doesn't teach a kid anything about life, love, or the real world.  

We brought up that we were having a home birth.  Like most people they were confused at why we choose to do that, but they seemed respectful of our decision.  There are a TON of reasons we want a home birth!  Both the girls were delivered at the same hospital.  With Izzy it was a 19 hour labor sans meds and went as amazing a giving birth can go.  However the second I had her she was taken away from me for a couple hours and came back all bandaged from tests and things I was told nothing about.  They kept her in the nursery and gave her bottles in spite of my insisting I wanted to nurse her and keep her with me. Them bottle feeding made nursing so much harder! I hated it!

By the time HQ was born their policy had changed.  Unfortunately HQ had to be induced (she was 2 weeks late and I was already considered high risk), which made labor so much more painful!  But right after she was born they let her stay with us "as new research shows it healthier for mom and baby".  What doofus thought it wasn't?  But the hospital stay left much to be desired.  We were stuck in a tiny room and bothered about every 30 minutes for the most random things.  I don't think I got more than 1 hour of sleep in 48 hours and it wasn't HQ's fault!  Our nurse was also constantly switched so we had to repeat everything quite a few times.  Plus, our last nurse was also a meanie.  Bleh!

Also, if you remember the car accident I was in back in October I was sent to the hospital I would be delivering in.  It was horrible.  They refused to even let me know if Peanut still had a heartbeat.  The head nurse said, "Check her nose and just send her home".  One nurse seemed to fight for me a bit but the head nurse told her, "just tell her to come back if she starts hemorrhaging". WHAT? I'm sorry, but if they didn't value Peanut's life at all then and certainly didn't value what I needed why on earth would I trust them to deliver my baby?  I can only imagine how that would go.  But I do know they still also take baby from mom there and stick them in the nursery.  No thanks.

Sorry to get WAY of track... but after his dad and stepmom left we were off to my parents to visit and see my Aunt.  It was great to see her!  It's been over a year since the last time, but Izzy sure remembered her.  HQ didn't know what to think at first, but warmed up quickly.

On our way to see my side of the family! 

Both girls were so excited..
 Most of my immediate family was there.  My dad loves when we are all together and got the brilliant idea to whip out Scrabble. My family is AWFUL at playing board games together.  I think I can only play with 4 of my siblings and my dad without feeling like I need to throw something. We all have our own idea how the rules are supposed to go so when we suggest using the rule book some of my family will insist the rule book is wrong... always interesting!

Playing Fancy Nancy at my parents'.
We found out tonight that our Valentine's Day plans had changed.  Izzy's buddy can't make it tomorrow and she was quite crushed!  On our way home from my parents Ty decided some Valentine's Eve ice cream was in order.  It certainly lifted her spirit!  We also read two of the books (twice!) the girls got from G&G Jones before bed.  They were both about Valentine's Day. It perked her up even more, so she is back to being excited about tomorrow again. Good! :)  

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Party Nails and Headaches

Nooo! I am now at the point where getting out of bed or getting up in general is quite the chore and can be painful.  I was hoping to get through one more week before that happened!  But it is what it is, right?  And it means we are almost there!  Peanut is now full term, but we hope he will wait at least 10 more days since thats when our insurance kicks in.

What I woke up to :) 
 Izzy has been bugging me to try her Hello Kitty nails on her, so when HQ went down for her nap we I did her nails.  She loved the way they looked, but said, "How am I supposed to do my art with these on?! I know! They will be my party nails!"

Trying on her "party nails".

Mmm... frozen Trader Joe's yogurt!
 Since it was just me and the girls most of the day I did my best to make myself available for them and they took no pity on me in my state of tiredness and slow bodiedness!  HQ got into EVERYTHING and Izzy had so much to tell me today.  I have never seen Izzy so wound up.  She is very excited since Valentine's Day is two days away and our good friends from Washington will be spending that day with us.  They have a little girl close to Izzy's age and they get along awesomely.  They also just started writing each other (remember having a pen pal?).  Well, Izzy still hasn't sent her letter back yet, but soon!

"Sister is giving me a headache!"
 Izzy got HQ involved in her dress-up time today.  She let HQ wear her old tutu and they ran around the living room.  Izzy said they were beautiful ballerinas who were running away from t-rexes (but she told me not to worry "cause t-rexes are 'stinct'").

Blurry Beauties
 Later Izzy dressed as Sleeping Beauty and had HQ wear her Snow White outfit.  HQ didn't like it as much as the tutu.  It was too constrictive for a toddler.  Ty came home for a short break between jobs. The girls were excited to see him.  When it was time for him to leave he tried to sneak out without HQ noticing (she cries EVERY TIME he leaves).  However when she noticed he was missing she ran around the house with a big grin on her face obviously thinking he was playing hide and seek with her.  When she realized he wasn't at home anymore she tried her hardest to get the front door open and began to cry : /  We decided him just saying goodbye to her is probably the better way to go!

Snow White and the 5 Piggies

Testing out her brother's bumbo chair.
Apparently we got some new very noisy neighbors.  I have always loved how quite our neighborhood is, but tonight the air is filled with songs I wouldn't want to subject myself too let alone my children.  I guess that means blaring my kids playlist super loud when I need to block them out?  I hope this doesn't become a regular thing! Fortunately the girls have white noise going on in their room when they sleep.

Ty should be home soon and we get to go see my family tomorrow.  My Aunt is in from out of town (Minnesota!) and this will be her first time meeting HQ.  The last time I saw her I was pregnant with HQ.  We all look forward to seeing her.  Ty has always liked her since the first time she met him she told him he was much more handsome than my ex... :)

Oh bleh! I just got heartburn!  Late night snack of Tums anyone?

Friday, February 11, 2011

Sour Grapes

 We got our tax return today, so the very first thing Ty did was pay our bills.  He was absolutely joyous this morning!

HQ climbed into a toy she is too big for and just sat in there enjoying herself.
 We set out to run some errands and Izzy wanted to make sure she looked her best.  We had promised her a treat and that is definitely an occasion to dress up for!  

Izzy wanted to be all purple like a grape today.
She felt extra special in a necklace Grandma gave her.

Sister Grapes!
Izzy assured us that they weren't "sour grapes" and were in fact very yummy.
We decided to head to the South Coast Plaza to walk around and pick out Izzy's treat (Izzy insists that this must be the mall Santa shops at when kids ask for presents that the elves don't make).  Out of all the goodies she was offered, she decided on a bagel with cream cheese.

We needed to check out Rain Forrest Cafe.
You could hear the animal noises from pretty far away, so Ty took the girls to check them
out while I sat my big tired butt down!
HQ had a blast running around the mall and people watching.  It really pooped her out.  By the time we got home HQ and I were ready for a serious nap.  It was a good day :)