Monday, January 31, 2011

Love is a Verb!

I can't believe it's already February tomorrow!  It's the kick off for "love valentines"-Izzy month! Valentine's Day is one of Izzy's favorite holidays.  Ty and I aren't huge into the actual holiday itself (we don't make big ol expensive plans to go out or buy eachother fancy gifts), but we decided to turn it into a great month of heart decorating, heart themed goody making, and teaching our kids what actual love is.  Love is a verb!

Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance ... love will last forever!  1 Corinthians 13:4-8a

Not that our girls have trouble loving, they were made to love and be loved, but we could all use reminders of how to actually love one another.  I'm excited! 

We pick up the girls tomorrow.  They are hanging out with my parents again since Ty and I went on a double date Sunday to see a movie.  Izzy asked if she and HQ could spend the night there.  So they did!

My little hams

Ready for church and all packed for Grandma's!

"This is what I look like when I NEED hot chocolate!"

Izzy (who is behing HQ) and HQ in the nursery.
Izzy wanted to make sure the toys were in proper order for her sister before heading off to her class.

Tomorrow I get to go into get my consult about my tooth.  I sincerly hope they can do something about it right then and there.  I have been having so much pain lately I am not too delightful to hang out with. Ty can attest to that! Orajel really doesn't help and there is only so much tylenol I can take while preggers. We are a little worried about the cost, but it has to be done (please be good to us insurance!).

Friday, January 28, 2011

3 Things Planned

I guess I am at the point where I am just so darn tired, but too big to get comfortable enough to get a decent nights worth of sleep.  Good news is that I am 35 weeks along so we are almost there!

After getting 3 hours of sleep last night I was awaken by Ty's alarm early this morning and then about 15 minutes later to HQ who was ready to get out and play.  It was still dark when she woke up, so I was hoping to try to trick her to go back to sleep.  I left all the lights off and brought her into bed with me.  NOPE! She just giggled and pulled all my blankets off me thinking I was playing hide and seek... oh well.  I got up and made breakfast.

She found daddy's new toothbrush and the toothpaste!
 I was so exhausted today I really didn't do much of anything : (  HQ never took a nap and Ty was at work all morning.  After dinner I told Izzy that it was the time of year we should go through her toys and clothes and find things she no longer uses/wears/or just plain grew out of to give to children that have a lot less than she does.  She was ecstatic! She grabbed a mishmosh of stuffed animals, too small of dress up clothes, a few accesories, and even came up with games she thought the kids could play while using her things! (I remember my mom trying to get me to do that and I would only offer my sister's things..).

Found an outfit she forgot she owned!
Well, the girls are in bed Ty and I are still up doing a few left over chores from the day.  He is such an awesome man and amazing husband.  The guy works so hard and A LOT (not loving what he does) and comes home to his very round wife, 2 crazy daughters, and still does more than his share of stuff around the house but he still loves coming home to us.   

When we first saw this we wanted to purchase it so badly, but it wasn't on sale and I refuse to pay full price for anything from Joann... even with a gift certificate, so I pouted right back out of the store.  I hoped it would be there by the time we came across a coupon or it went on sale and surprisingly enough we were able to get a bunch of it half off about a week later!  Anyone who has ever looked for Hello Kitty fabric knows it just flys off the shelf! 
 I want to sew so badly!  But I get so behind on the housework due to a lack of energy I can't bring myself to sew.  Plus, HQ doesn't let me sew so I have to wait till nap time or when Ty's around so he can play with her.  Ty's home a little more next week, so we are going to try to make some time for me to sew.  I am very excited!!  I already have 3 things planned :)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Pool Thinks She's Crazy

Ty had all of today of and we had absolutely nothing planned.  It was amazing!  We did get a few much needed chores done around the house and Izzy had some homework/phonics to do, but we mostly just enjoyed our time as a family.  Izzy asked if we could go swimming and we decided that was a great idea.

Izzy shows HQ how to rub lotion into your hands.
"It's very 'mosturing' and squishy".

Enjoying the water.

Patiently waiting for Daddy so she can also get in.

Splashing Ty and Izzy!

Izzy got this far into the big pool (which was freezing!) and said, "Does this
this pool think I'm crazy or something?" She immediately got in the jacuzzi.

Wanting to help clean the leaves out of the pool.

In the jacuzzi we turned on the jets and Izzy decided to swim against the current.

The camera on my phone kept bugging out so I was only able to get pictures at the pool today.  I am so bummed!  I LOVE pictures! 

We ran out of groceries at home (only having one car means I can't do any of those kinds of errands if Ty isn't around) so we went and picked up In and Out (Yum!) and headed to the grocery store for some "real" food.  Izzy picked out the veggies and fruit she wanted to get and HQ wanted to open up the blueberries (her favorite fruit) before we even got home. 

Izzy asked to go bowling today also, but we figured that was a bit much for all of us for one day, however it did remind us that our free bowling passes expire on Monday, so hopefully we can make it sometime this week/end! 

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Peanut Butter Snuggles

This morning I had my lovely dental appointment.  Come to find out my tooth has been rendered useless and they "highly advise" an extraction and an implant.  Since Ty and I are filthy rich this was wonderful news! 

We did get our girls back today and that was awesome.  HQ hopped off my mother's lap and ran to me immediately and soon after reached for Ty to get a healthy dose of Dad.  Izzy had a million and one things to tell us and show us.  One of them being $20 she received from SD for her "water bed fund".  She has been talking about a water bed for a few months now and I have no idea where her obsession came from!

Celery dipped in peanut butter for a snack.
Peanut butter is one of Izzy's favorite foods and today she "accidentally" stuck her whole hand in the jar
and therefore had to clean it all off herself the same way a cat would... oh Izzy. 

As I try to rest on the couch the girls both decided they needed to snuggle with me.
The tried to push each other out of the way to be closer to me... I'm so loved.
Izzy was in somewhat of a morbid conversation mood today.  She kept asking about when each of us was going to die.  The first time she thought about me dying (apparently thanks to her grammy who told her that if I died she would get to go live with her -_-) she had just turned 4.  She cried for a LONG time.  Today she was a little more casual about it, and ended the conversation with "but it will be so fun when we are all in heaven again!"  (I'm not sure where the again came from...)  

All ready for bed!
The girls are in bed and the house is oddly quiet again.  Well quiet save for the sounds of Emma munching away in her cage.  It has me wondering how I would deal with having an "empty nest" years from now.  I love hanging out with Ty, he's my best friend and an awesome companion.  We seriously have a blast together, but how badly will I miss the everyday chaos and extra warmth our kids brought into our lives?  I suppose that's why we are told to treasure it all.  They are only in our care for a short time.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Cake and Blood

Sunday was a lot of fun.  Ty and I drove out to pick up HQ from my parents and then headed to church.  There were new ladies (at least to us) working in the nursery (she's there about once a week so she knows it pretty well) and a bunch of new little ones.  She seemed very confused why all these kids were playing with "her" stuff. 

Before dropping her off in the nursery Ty wanted to get some hugs in.
She immediately took his hat off his head.


"What is that lady over there doing?"
After church we brought her back to my parents since we had plans to hang out with friends later that night (and since Izzy was going to be dropped off there later) and we ran a few errands.

We met or friends who had made a delicious cake (Peanut has really been needing cake lately...) and we went out for a bite to eat.  It was an enjoyable night.  Having good friends is pretty darn awesome.
A piece of cake for us to bring home that was decorated specially for Izzy.
Ty worked this morning 4am to 12:45pm... yuck.  He came home ready for bed, but we had to meet with the midwife in an hour!

We loved our time there again.  So personal and not rushed.  However we did find out that instead of putting my phone number down I put Izzy's father's phone number down... so he got a message this morning about needing my paperwork from my previous OB.  I'm sure that confused him!

Resting at the midwifes.
Yes, I realize there is a naked lady in the background. 
I have a lame and apparently rare blood type.  The last two pregnancies I had to get shots throughout to help prevent miscarriage, retardation in the babies, and stillbirth (awesome huh?).  This time around Ty asked if his blood type could make any difference.  We were told that in the rare chance his blood matched mine I wouldn't need any shots and baby would be fine.  We thought it was pretty silly that the hospital never even offered that.

Ty hasn't had blood drawn (or stuck with any needle for that matter) in years.

Looking macho in front of the all female staff.
After the midwife Ty and I just headed home and have been taking it easy (well, he's been asleep for the last half hour).  We pick up the little ones tomorrow morning and I look forward to hugging those little people.  What an awesome blessing they are! 

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Ty's a Jungle Gym

I haven't blogged for the last couple days for a few reasons.  I have been sick, I lost a filling a while ago and the pain has been pretty awful (you aren't supposed to have mercury done while pregnant), and there has been some yucky trials going on for Ty.  


HQ developed a new love for Izzy's clothes.  She likes us to put them on her then she struts around in front of Izzy until she notices.  It makes Izzy giggle.  

Sharing a snack of carrots while still in their jammies.
Lately HQ has been wanting to wear Izzy's clothes.

Izzy brought a chair out for herself to sit in.
The second she got up HQ ran to it, stood on it, and gave us a little speech.
 Ty and I had a mini date that night.  His mom took the girls after The Little Gym, gave them dinner (which they gorged themselves on!) and kept them for a couple hours so Ty and I could hang out.  We went to Carter's to use up our gift certificates.  We have to say we have been so bummed with how few cute boy clothes there are out there!  We got HQ a pair of jammies and sunglasses.  Izzy has the most clothes, but we knew she would feel left out if we didn't get her anything so we picked out a pack of fancy panties (she was pretty excited about those!).

Although it was a short date it was much needed and greatly appreciated!


School day!  I was supposed to go into the dentist to get something temporary done about my tooth, but the thought of sitting in the chair with a stuffy nose and sore throat DID NOT appeal to me, so I cancelled.
I woke up pretty sick, so Ty got the girls ready... he forgot breakfast.
So Starbucks it was!  Izzy liked it...

Listening to morning announcements. 

Ty is nothing more that a jungle gym to 2-3 year olds!

Hoping it would be a little less taxing on his body he drew pictures with the kids.

I snuck off to check out Izzy's class. 

Her craft!
She said she made it for me because she knew I liked beautiful things just like she does.
After school we headed to a park nearby that several other mothers from the school take their kids to have lunch and to play.  Since a lot of Izzy's little buddies go we decided we would do that today.  Both girls loved it.

HQ having trouble with the grassy incline tripped and they just stayed in this spot a bit.
She decided she could throw leaves around just fine while lying here. 
Izzy went to SD's for the weekend.  She was excited to go and tell them about the fun she had with her friends.  But she told me to make sure I didn't cry while she was gone but also not to go to Disneyland without her.

We decided to leave HQ with my parents since I am sick and Ty has been pretty drained with the trials going on at work.  Plus he worked all day today and I hoped it would give me time to recoup while he worked.  My parents happily agreed.


I spent the day resting and praying for Ty.  When he hurts I hurt. 

A picture from my dad.
He titled it "Mmm... Jelly sandwiches"
Ty should be home soon and he has tomorrow off.  We get HQ in the morning and Izzy back at night.  It will be a good day.  

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A Dingle Ball Named Phil

Well, HQ slept in till 5:40 this morning...  Fortunately Ty hadn't left for work yet so he was able to bring her in our room before she woke Izzy up.  

Ty left for work while HQ and I snuggled and read.  Her sister joined us about an hour and a half later obviously a little jealous that HQ and I were cuddling without her.  After explaining to her why and that I love all my babies the same she gave her sister a smooch on the head and said, "well thanks for not waking me up early today".
Looking at Ty while he is explaining to her why sleeping in is much better than getting up early.
HQ seemed to feel a little better today, but she wasn't 100%.  Izzy's sewing book arrived today and I am super excited to have her start playing around with that tomorrow! So is she.  She has already planned birthday gifts, Christmas gifts, and friendship gifts for everyone.

After HQ went to bed tonight Izzy and I worked more on knitting.  She got a little frustrated so I decided we would take a break from knitting and I would show her how to make a "dingle ball" for the top of her Hello Kitty hat.  She really enjoyed that!  She named him "Phil" and then carried the dingle ball with her around the house before her bedtime.

Izzy and her dingle ball!
Sorry it's so dark!  I would like a new camera  so bad.
Ty has the morning off tomorrow.  Izzy asked if we could make french toast for breakfast to celebrate him being home.  I whole heartedly agreed :) 

Monday, January 17, 2011

Izzy the Nerd

To be perfectly honest (and immature), this morning sucked!  HQ woke up full blown screaming at 5am.  Ty had already left for work and me being as round as I am couldn't get to her before she woke her sister up.. who also responded with crying (Izzy doesn't do well when she's awoken prematurely).  I soon discovered HQ had Ty's yucky tummy bug and that was the reason she woke up so upset.  I was trying to comfort her by hugging and rocking her while getting Izzy breakfast and I stepped on a broken piece of glass.  So I was bleeding, holding a not so happy HQ, and getting a groggy Izzy breakfast. Ty had to hear about how "horrible" my morning was (and being a not so loving wife blamed some of it on him) and now I just realized I never even asked him about his : / He gets home soon.  I better make it up to him! 

Fortunately HQ fell back asleep around 8am for a good 3 hour nap, so Izzy and I decided to do the same.  Izzy just took a nap with me since I was worried HQ might wake up screaming again and at least it wouldn't scare Izzy awake if she were with me.  We both woke up better people due to that nap.   

Upon waking from her morning nap Izzy played with her Barbie.
Barbie was "exercising and going to work at Trader Joe's in Kansas... "
"Not Kansas the state (because there are tornados there) the Kansas in Australia".
 Since HQ needed A LOT of cuddles today Izzy entertained herself most of the day.  From stamps, to dolls, to drawing, to reading, to learning to knit, to playing with her electronic dictionary... she enjoyed her time.  She also did her best to entertain her sister.  She is very good at making HQ smile even when HQ's world looks pretty "bleak"!

Playing with her electronic dictionary.

Reading for Phonics.
See how happy she looks?! I love it :D
Twice in a row now when asking HQ is she's ready for bed she nods, lifts up her arms (to say carry me), and then while held will wave and say "nigh nigh" to her sister.  Pretty exciting stuff! After HQ went to bed tonight (seemingly a bit better) Izzy and I worked on her Hello Kitty knitting project she got for Christmas.  Knitting hasn't been my strong point (all I can do is hats and scarves) so it was a little trickier for me to teach her, but she has learned how to cast on!  Whoo hoo! Success! 

I want strawberries... I hope I find some in the fridge!

Defeating Gnaws

It was family time today!  Yay!  Ty was feeling a good deal better earlier today.  The first thing we did after breakfast was take the girls out for a donut like we had promised yesterday.  Izzy actually changed things up a bit and got a twisty donut with chocolate frosting instead of her usual rainbow sprinkles.  HQ munched on a blueberry muffin.

Stuffing Their Faces

Engaging in Some Light Conversation

Izzy Pretending to be a Shark!
After lunch we went to the Japanese market to get a few fresh fruits/veggies we also check out their manager's specials (those are always amazing deals).  Today they had samples set up of their sale items.  Izzy tried some dumplings and thought they would be perfect to go with a cabbage salad for lunch.  SO we got them.  Izzy ate the dumplings no problem but suddenly developed a fear of cabbage.. she asked for celery instead.  After lunch HQ demonstrated the correct way to subdue a great white shark.

HQ Battles Gnaws! (the stuffed shark)

Pins Him Down

and has defeated him.

Having Fun with her new phonics stamps Izzy finds a yucky bug stamp!
 After just hanging out for the afternoon we get ready to go to Ty's mom's house.  We put HQ in her "fancy" navy blue ruffle dress.  Izzy, not wanting to be left out grabbed her fanciest coat and decided to use the word "posh" today.  She even said, "I bet Grandma and Grandpa Orpi will love how posh we are!  Do you think they will be wearing something posh tonight?"

"Posh Izzy"

Playing "Guess which cup the ball is under" with Ty's mom.
She even decided to wear a dress the two of them had picked up for her while they were in Catalina.
Unfortunately this picture doesn't quite capture how cute a dress it is!
Well, this will be a LONG week for Ty.  I think he's doing about 70 hours... I know the girls will be bummed as will I.  But I do have to keep reminding myself that this is only for a moment in our lives.  Even though he was sick, I am still happy he was able to spend some extra time with us this past week.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Shark Attack!!

I didn't blog yesterday for two reasons.  One, my computer is still broken and I don't like blogging as much on Ty's computer (even though his is nicer).  And two, right around blog time I discovered that a dear friend of was hurting and therefore was not in mood to blog.  She is doing much better today though :) But her are a couple pics from yesterday.

Ty wanted to rest and Izzy knew watching a movie would help him rest...
They are watching Emperor's New Groove

I was lucky enough to get a shot of HQ and her crazy lady hair. 
This morning Ty made it work.  He actually worked both jobs today (8am-10pm). I'm glad he felt well enough to do so.  He was still tired and dreaded it, but knew it had to be done!  After having him home for three days we got so used to having him here today just didn't feel quite right for any of us.  Hmm... the k is sticking on this keyboard... so forgive k-less typos!

For the first time I attempted pigtails in HQ's hair.  During his break, Ty came home and was surprised at how "grown up" she looked.  Izzy was very proud of HQ's new pigtails.
In this pic she is smooching Ty.

HQ "reading".
 Today Izzy's obsession was surfing.  Ty and I are huge water people, so it's only natural the kids would be at least a little interested.  Izzy practiced surfing by attaching her kick board to a giant stuffed shark (she attached it by opening up a sleeping bag and tying the two together using the straps of the sleeping bag).  She then stood on said board and used a large toy candy cane if she felt she needed to paddle out really far...
Izzy was later attacked by a shark.

HQ decided that her penguin could help her sister. 
Well, Ty should be home soon enough and tomorrow is "family date day" Izzy's special request was to go out for doughnuts, so we made sure to have that on our itinerary.  That and Grandma and Grandpa Orpi invited us over for food and board games.  We are looking forward to it!